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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Looking through your post history, you’re either the worst kind of troll, by which I mean you’re an extremely awful person, or you’re way the fuck off base for one or multiple reasons. I personally think you’re some young kid that believes they figured out some new age bullshit or something.

But also, you show lots of signs of psychotic episodes. Magical thinking, special knowledge, disordered thoughts/speech, etc. You doing okay?

Are you trolling, or are you just legitimately that oblivious to the experiences of others?

What about it? It’s not something we’re in control of. It just kinda happens. It can be extremely disruptive to our lives, hence the qualification of it being diagnostic criteria for a disorder. For someone who experiences it as something destructive in their life, it’s pretty fucking insulting to hear some jackass mythicize it as some “superpower”. Especially after demonstrating a lack of knowledge on a subject they seem to feel entitled to have an opinion about anyway.

Bro, this shit is straight up insulting. Just shut the fuck up about things you very clearly don’t understand.

I will preface with the honesty that the people at that "institute"lack; I’m not a medical professional. I’m very good with philosophy, though, so I generally have a good bullshit detector.

I took a look at the website. These people are quacks and actively harmful. There was a self-described “doctor” that was accredited by the same scam company of “alternative medicine” back in 2003 that killed a kid with bone cancer by giving him an infection from the injections of ‘treated’ blood. They collect all these bullshit “certifications” to make it seem like they’re legit, many of them might even legitimately believe this bullshit. First red flag for me was seeing them trying to treat ADHD(a neurodevelopmental disorder) primarily through nutrition. Then I’m seeing buzzwords like “treating ADHD naturally”, fake ass degrees from places like some quantum holistic school of alternative medicine or whatever, and loads of meaningless “coaching” certifications like “epidemic answers health”. I won’t mince words; these are predatory shitheads that actively harm people with their made up bullshit. Stick with legitimately licensed professionals and adhd coaches. You should even be careful with adhd coaches and keep in mind the primary premise of them being supplemental to psychiatry and therapy.

Unfortunately, I’m quite familiar with evil predatory grifters that start shit like this. I’ve found in my own experience that many of these programs tend to start as corporate seminar pageantry that move the grift into the medical field. I have all the disrespect in the world for the assholes that start this bullshit since they actively make the world a much worse place and demonstrably KILL people with their intellectually dishonest bullshit.

By all means, don’t take my word for it. Read the about section for these assholes and look up the programs they display as their accreditations. If you have any questions or objections about my assessment of these people, please ask and I will provide my evidence. These are bad people and I’m 100% ready to die on that hill 1,000 times out of 10.

Oh my god, that’s something that gets under my skin so very quickly and it’s sadly so common. It’s such a specifically arrogant kind of strawmanning where you’re telling someone else what they think sometimes even in direct contradiction to what they say. Like “you’re just jealous” or “you just want to ____”. It just reeks of anti-intellectualism and everyone is worse off with every use. We desperately need more people to learn the principles of philosophy, and maybe even more specifically of epistemology.