Dont stress over not having a degree. I have one and honestly it didn’t prove anything to myself, make it a better person or any of that. I’m still paying for it. Looking back those were some of my most miserable years failing to fit in too socially. I followed some arbitrary rules and passed some classes. Guess what. It took me 7 years too. By my last year I hated my degree program and just finished because I was already in so deep. Don’t let that peice of paper and societal rubber stamp make you feel like a failure. Often times I regret going to college, since honestly it wasn’t a happy period for me and how I’ve been paying for it for 10 years now. My job I really enjoy didn’t require it and I have never used my major from my degree once. I am much happier now past that part of my life and I say this with all honesty I am glad to do be here. There are so many possibilities out there. Please don’t give up. A final solution to life’s endless possibilities is such a tragedy Please keep going. You can do this. Seek help in therapy, friends and family. Find out what makes you happy. You got this.
Drink an abhorrent amount of caffeine.