By that I mean what are some powerful and simple basic applied techniques or behaviors that are really useful you’ve developed or discovered in your life that makes things work or improve.
Lets keep them simple and powerful 🧙♂️
Let people on the phone know that you don’t mind if something is taking a bit longer and that you’re cool and with them whatever happens. Say something like, its okay I’m not in a rush ☺️
They’ll appreciate taking some of the pressure off and showing you are a receptive audience (you’re rooting for them) and I’ve found it to get superior outcomes since I started doing it, even tho I was always generally polite previously
A casual community for people with ADHD
Acceptance, Openness, Understanding, Equality, Reciprocity.
Relevant Lemmy communities: will happily promote other ND communities as long as said communities demonstrate that they share our values.
Garbage in, garbage out. First come, first served is how I put it. Everything has a place and everything back in its place, I’m just renting it, gotta return the video to the store
I realised just after decades that some things that tend to fly around all the time over and over again have no defined place. My solution: There needs to be an all-default trunk. Old rubber bands, Covid tests, screws from an old laptop I’ll totally reassemble one day, socks with holes that are not broken enough to throw away, …
Also, recycling is nice in general, but in a cleaning frenzy, all garbage needs to go into the bag. If future-self wants to recycle, have fun with the bag in the basement.
It works!
I found that eschewing recycling/papers/cardboards and simply disposing rather than doing the dishes (theow everything away when it got really bad) to be super important. I need to focus on “Ends justifies the means” for specifically cleaning so I’ll be rather uncharacteristically ruthless and dismissive of anything I can technically live without cuz I can’t live in mess and clutter
Dishwasher is really crucial. I knew that and wanted one for 20 years, but, well, ADHD. Finally 2 years ago got my first 0-installation dish washer, one of those small ones where you can just pour the water in. When it broke, I got a small real one. Installation required a little more mental energy, but so worth it.