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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Oh yeah in that case you don’t need it

You’re right on that too. Those movies actually look worse in 4k because low resolutions hide the bad CGI.

I have a large collection of 4k blurays for my favorite movies though. Like Blade Runner 2049 and Dune look fantastic. But not every movie deserves the hard disk space.

Not on my TV. The 1080p on YouTube also loses a lot of color data which is pretty noticeable on OLED. On my phone though yeah even 720p is fine.

Someone smarter than me will need to figure that out. I’m a lowly software engineer, not a computer scientist.

Depends on the music video. A lot of them look great in 4k.

Based. Also your writing style is great. Reminds me of those old “THIS IS A MOTHER FUCKING WASP” memes

I love nebula too. They’re definitely what I imagine federated video would be though. Restricted uploads, and paid. Nothing wrong with that though, video is expensive.

I’d happily pay for a federated video service tbh. I already pay for YouTube. I didn’t even blink when they raised the price on me because I get so much value out of it

Wait holy fuck I missed the “T”. 25 TB for a commercial is wild

I watch a lot of music videos though so I love 4k. Don’t know why you’re getting down voted though. What you said is true. I don’t need to watch a talk stream vod in 4k

Yes, but compared to the Facebook memes that have been cycling through here, it’s advanced

I’m responding to ten people, sorry I can’t hold your hand and carefully caress your condescending replies.

Yeah I did a music video in 4k on an A7s2 and the source files, for what ended up as a 4 minute video, were around 100GB.

Yeah it is an issue. I archive my 4k blurays and they chew through my hard drive space far faster than I can get new hard drives

No one said that. That’s a whole new position

Yet here you are, replying with the same arguments as everyone else

It’s the scenario I’m talking about. Sorry you made up a different one.

I fully agree. I don’t think people should be getting free rides, it just starts to feel weird when an investment is seen as an expense that someone is expected to contribute to.

Utilities and shit though? 50/50 for sure. No greyness there. Another guy said they split the interest payment which I also think is fine. It’s really only the principle where I start to feel gross.

(Well maybe not 50/50. I need my gigabit internet at any cost)

3.5 works everywhere else and I prefer my headphones to work with my audio gear. The inflight entertainment on Delta uses 3.5 for example.

I’d be fine with the lack of the port if they at least gave us 2 USB-C ports so I could charge and listen without a splitter.

I’m surprised their isn’t a phone case with a built in DAC and 3.5 tbh.

Need more of this energy in my life

I pay for premium because I rely on those videos way more than I’m comfortable with.

Finding how to fix a screen issue in my niche 2014 laptop in 2022 was a wild experience.

I frankly don’t see a way for federated video to happen unless uploads are severely limited or it’s paywalled. Even with YouTube’s wild compression, you’re looking at several gigs for a single 4k video.

Honestly the fact that YouTube exists is a miracle. Video is still just monstrously large.

I really don’t have a defining line. It’s very grey for me. I wouldn’t expect someone to take out a HELOC to pay out equity for their girlfriend that moved into a house, that he already owned, for six months. But on the other extreme, a couple that has been living together for five years feels like she should get something. Especially if she helped with the down payment like my GF did.

Where the line between these two extremes is? I don’t really have a catch all answer. It’d have to be case by case.

Someone is dumping their entire Facebook meme backlog. Whole lotta boomer posting

It seems we may just have different morals that no amount of back and forth will rectify. I apologise for sounding like a broken record but I’m responding to several people with similar arguments and memmy ain’t as good as keeping track of context as Apollo was.

I actually live this scenario and have an equity agreement that splits the sale proceeds proportional to what each person put in. I find the idea of land lording over a partner to be disgusting.

If you want your girlfriend to live with you then what’s the alternative? She move out and buy a second house? If you want her to live with you then she shouldn’t have to put her financials on hold to do so.

But I agree that it’s case by case. In several other places I’ve said that I don’t expect their recent girlfriend to get a cut of their boyfriend’s house just because her lease expired when they started dating. The longer she lives there though, the more I think the conversation should be had.

My argument is complete. Feel free to read the other ten replies where I address the same comment

This is a relationship not a roommate nor a tenant. It’s slightly concerning how many people think these are the same thing

We’re talking mortgage. If we’re talking rent then yeah she should absolutely pay. It just gets muddier when equity is involved and there should be some agreement up front.

Yeah but charging a partner rent is kinda shitty. It’s supposed to be an equitable partnership that benefits both parties. Otherwise why have a partner?

I’m arguing morals. Legally there’s nothing wrong here