I’m down for the apology. It just lost all impact when OP immediately follows up by blaming ADHD and impulsively. That’s exceptionally uncool considering the community that was affected. The sarcasm is also problematic especially considering the level of authority that was abused here. The post couldnt be removed by the exact people who are supposed to be able to remove content when needed. To take the attitude of “big deal, so scary” compounds my suspicion of immaturity and is not encouraging to see in an administrator.
What I’m hearing is “I did a bad thing but I have ADHD and I said sorry so it’s a whoopsie that shouldn’t affect me” but without a genuine apology. Blaming the namesake of this space and “impulsivity” shows nothing but immaturity imo. We get it. You like money. You don’t like being called out. Maybe, don’t abuse the rules and you won’t get called out?
Aw geez yeah man eek. Like, such a bummer it broke the rules and couldn’t be removed because you accidently locked it to the page. Idk it doesn’t sound like you give a shit, which is a problem for an admin.