• 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Neh. The stupid people are getting way too many of them and will use tragedies to justify owning them.

How many more mass shootings need to happen before it’s finally too much? And a good guy with a gun is not the answer. The Uvalde police had guns but that didn’t change anything.

These are the people that keep taking funding from education and put it towards more guns.

I can’t possibly lower my expectations any further.

Thats 100% true and a great improvement.

Yes it does.

If I wrote a virus code to destroy other people’s computers and put it onto the internet, then regardless if I’m still alive or not, the code is going to continue to do the evil it was made for.

Intention matters. Religion was made to control people. It will continue doing so until it is completely wiped off the face of the earth.

Is a computer virus not evil?

The original writer might be dead but it doesn’t mean that on its own the virus can’t do harm anymore.

Religion is a virus. The words are of hate and bigotry. As long as a single human is still infested with the “religion virus”, it will be able to spread hate and oppression.

… the bible literally tells you how to keep and beat your slaves. Also to kill babies.

… Another religion worships a “god” that has an 8 year old child wife.

It’s not evil people manipulating religion. Religion is evil.

“It only takes 1 generation refusing to be indoctrinated into worshipping a nonexistent fairytale that was fabricated to control the uneducated masses for the next generation to know better about religion.”

Fixed it with help from Space_Jamke

Guess you haven’t heard of Weetabix before. Not quite the same but close enough.

That’s what it looks like… ⚓️☠️


How the heeeellll did I not know about this! Massive DBZA vibes right from the get go. Thx for sharing!!!

It’s a Liopleurodon, Charlie! A magical Liopleurodooooonnn!

Anyone remember these? I had a fun time bugging my sister named Charlie when these first came out. Can still do a pretty decent impression of them saying Charlie. Maybe I should give her a call… 🤣

The beans miss you too!!

Give Handsome Beanward a hug as he welcomes you to the BeanRooms!!!

Was aiming for Handsome Squidward and a beans love child but I’ll accept Beanbutt any day.

How are you forget about the glorious beans!!

Handsome Beanward would have your head if he wasn’t a warm and beany ruler.

50 lashes in the bean dungeon for you!

Squidward loved beans too much and now we have this handsome little bean boy.

That’s actually a really good idea!

Maybe next time if beans come back in style around here.

I’m looking forward to the next trend already. Going to see what other kinds of abominations I can come up with. 😁


Handsome Beamward welcomes you to Lemmy! Let the beans flow in thy honour!!

Been with the great Memmy since I joined. What’s this peasant wefwef I keep hearing about?

Someone needs a big hug from Handsome Bean Daddy.
