I personally think self medicating should be strongly discouraged in the community. Obviously, people who are already diagnosed and are dealing with medication shortages is one thing.
People diagnosing themselves is another. I not only understand mods not allowing it but support it. Taking stimulant medication can have a variety of health implications and require monitoring; especially when determining dosage and the proper medication regime. Fostering a sentiment of “I know my body == I have a degree in medicine” shouldn’t be done here (or anywhere imo).
I’ve already seen T mentioned in comparison. Which is a class C drug (2 years in prison). Amphetamines are class B (5 years). That’s just in UK, in Aus it’s a schedule 8 substance (highly controlled drug with serious penalties for possession). Allowing a community to advocate for self medication, especially in a community where our treatment is amphetamine, is just a bad idea and would be a great way to get a real unhealthy community real quick.
I personally think self medicating should be strongly discouraged in the community. Obviously, people who are already diagnosed and are dealing with medication shortages is one thing.
People diagnosing themselves is another. I not only understand mods not allowing it but support it. Taking stimulant medication can have a variety of health implications and require monitoring; especially when determining dosage and the proper medication regime. Fostering a sentiment of “I know my body == I have a degree in medicine” shouldn’t be done here (or anywhere imo).
I’ve already seen T mentioned in comparison. Which is a class C drug (2 years in prison). Amphetamines are class B (5 years). That’s just in UK, in Aus it’s a schedule 8 substance (highly controlled drug with serious penalties for possession). Allowing a community to advocate for self medication, especially in a community where our treatment is amphetamine, is just a bad idea and would be a great way to get a real unhealthy community real quick.