Unseasoned meat can be delicious, the meat just has to be very good quality.
More importantly, I don’t mean seasonings. Yes absolutely salt and season your meals, but even salted and otherwise seasoned potatoes are still pretty dang bland. In order for potatoes to be good, you need to add gravy, or cheese, or bacon or a whole other variety of things and combos of other food to make potatoes tasty. I won’t say that a loaded up baked or mashed potatoes with all the bits isn’t good, because it is. It’s just that potatoes themselves are overrated.
You can take any meat, steak, chicken, pork, whatever, season with salt and pepper, and it’s good. They each have their own distinct flavor. You can lightly salt and oil a good handful of different vegetables and they’re good on their own. Hell even plain ass white rice with salt, pepper, and butter is pretty good. Do the same with potatoes, still bland, meh at best.
I really don’t think mashed potatoes are that good. I argue that any good meal needs to stand on its own, and any food that requires extra sauce, or other additives to make it good are not good enough for a meal.
Id even argue they are not even that good as a side dish, as combine with other food, the best they do is taste like the juice of meat, but more commonly they only add more blandness to whatever your eating, making it less than if eating without mashed potatoes.
Hey now, we’re supposed to be arguing here, don’t go posting things about onions that I agree with. Onions suck, and overpower any food you add them to. Gross.