Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
As a daily Edge user of choice:
I do have to say I don’t know too much about differences because once I tested Edge i simply ditched chrome from the get go and never felt need to return to it. Shit chrome does Edge does too and sometimes even better, so yeah.
Also, Edge doesn’t have really anything in connection to IE.
Your husband.
That’s commitment and with it comes a lot of decision, one of them whether to keep money separate, pool together or just have one account altogether.
But unless that commitment is made, expecting ither half to be responsible and pay for their shit - unless agreed otherwise beforehand - is to be expexted.
Hi, I am nobody ;-; I am a dirty casual not caring for privacy too much ( more than every day Mark, quite a lot less tha you folk ) but I absolutely loved Spartan Edge. It was quick, low memory usage and I absolutely loved it. Dropped chrome for it. And…then it was killed ;-;
Edit: I feel a lot of hate towards Edge comes from people connecting Edge to IE which…couldn’t stray further from truth.