Btw, I’ve tried techniques like segregating rooms into quarters and sorting a quarter at a time but I find myself adding things to different quarters and just looping that task over and over. Or I’ll stop when I loose motivation and end up shuffling stuff around as I’m looking for things I need again. It’s pretty Sisyphean
I’ve done pretty well with not buying new things recently but that’s just stopped the “hoard” from growing really.
I had literally no idea that’s how most people feel after doing chores. Even when I’ve actually done something pretty big like cleaning my whole kitchen or tidying up an entire room, If I feel anything other than indifference each time I see it, it’s usually along the lines of damn, that was a lot of work, not looking forward to doing that again.
“Rats is chugging along in second when he should be cruising in fifth”. I’ve had countless reports like that but that one stuck with me, probably for being so much more creative than the others.
I think it was the year following that report that they stuck me on my own desk facing a corner so that “you won’t keep getting distracted by other students”. I guess that teacher just really liked euphemisms. At least I always had a set of stationary for myself lol.