• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


“Rats is chugging along in second when he should be cruising in fifth”. I’ve had countless reports like that but that one stuck with me, probably for being so much more creative than the others.

I think it was the year following that report that they stuck me on my own desk facing a corner so that “you won’t keep getting distracted by other students”. I guess that teacher just really liked euphemisms. At least I always had a set of stationary for myself lol.

Btw, I’ve tried techniques like segregating rooms into quarters and sorting a quarter at a time but I find myself adding things to different quarters and just looping that task over and over. Or I’ll stop when I loose motivation and end up shuffling stuff around as I’m looking for things I need again. It’s pretty Sisyphean

I’ve done pretty well with not buying new things recently but that’s just stopped the “hoard” from growing really.

Organisation, tidying, and clearing techniques?
I need some help when it comes to clearing out, organising and sorting my stuff. My house is basically full of stuff and things right now and I really don't think it's helping me out with my health (mental or physical) I mostly suffer with getting hopelessly distracted, mess blindness, never wanting to get started, and getting overwhelmed with the scope of the task. One of the reasons I want to get tidied up is because my main hobbies (electronics, drones, and DIY) mean that I've got tons of stuff I need to keep around, but it's also lots of small stuff with lots of different categories and storage requirements so it's really not easy to sort without needing tons of boxes or bins so I still haven't been able to find a good way to store it. I also don't have much out-of-sight storage in my flat so it's kind of everywhere. Any tips on storing and sorting would be massively appreciated especially from people who have been through this already and have/are working towards getting clean! Thanks!

How do I go about getting diagnosed in the UK?
I'm fairly suspect that I've likely got ADHD and/or mild depression and I don't know if ones causing symptoms of the other or if im personally misatributing symptoms here and I want to know how to go about changing this in the best way possible. The NHS is a wonderful service but unfortunately it's run by the British so it's horrifically overworked and often mismanaged and my area is no exception to the rule. Mental and physical health services in my area are under funded, under staffed and overworked which means I can't even speak to a GP about my concerns and I worry I won't be taken seriously or brushed aside as a low criticality case. Not to mention all the testimonys from people about GPs not taking adult ADHD seriously assuming they even believe ADHD exists. (See the state of gender health and trans healthcare for an excellent example of a a broken system). However something (whatever it is) is affecting my life and although I absolutely don't feel like self harm or suicide, etc, I'd very much like something to change. What are my options here? I've heard people talk about private healthcare but I'm in no position to afford this. I'd very much appreciate the help from anyone whose been in my position and would desperately want to listen to your stories too. Thank you!

I had literally no idea that’s how most people feel after doing chores. Even when I’ve actually done something pretty big like cleaning my whole kitchen or tidying up an entire room, If I feel anything other than indifference each time I see it, it’s usually along the lines of damn, that was a lot of work, not looking forward to doing that again.