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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 26, 2023


Reported inflation looking fine

I mean who would of thought that feminists blocking and banning any criticism on social media and then blasting social media with kill all men, men ain’t shit etc over and over again such a positive impact on society like the climbing suicide rate! Well done, you’ve alienated at least 50% of the population.

So bad because he wrong thinked? Tate bad because he said a word? Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem but it also highlights a gaping hole in society that hasn’t been addressed and neglected by this Western woke ideology, largely the needs of males have been neglected, shunned and ignored.

Yeah a lot of libs call Marxist-Leninist fascists

Marxism-leninism isn’t fascist though

How about stop trying to dictate who’s role model people follow! How about let people live their lives? If people find help and value to become better then so be it. Who are you to say he is a bad role model? Because he says things you don’t like or behaves in a way you don’t find appealing.

No one is immune from propaganda not even you.

Exactly it is exactly how you sound, conservative does not equal Nazi or fascist. Actual Nazis don’t believe in freedom of speech and would murder you without giving you a chance to criticise.

I’m sorry but fried chicken isn’t racist, it’s just fried chicken.

I don’t like the social engineering trying to tell men what to do, how to think and how to behave.

Yeah propaganda works just like how it has worked on you.

Explain to some idiot that as a socialist you’ve gotten more conservative as you got older that you looking into the finer details of economic planning and reading into Stalin, wokes: “omg YoU hAtE gAyS” I swear a lot of social engineering these days to turn people away from these ideas and towards an emotional irrationalism with a horrible aesthetic to keep people in an echo chamber surrounded by self-reflecting identity politics chained to the predominant ideology serving capital.

No lifting weights to gain some muscle isn’t toxicmasculineity you fucking warped tards.

Have you considered people are moving further right because your labeling them as such?

Only true when you force your views on society and drug those that get more conservative when they get older. Like when your get older you appreciate the professionalism and authoritarian rules. No being more conservative doesn’t mean you hate gays and want death upon them, you libs sure do like to assume and generalise.

Your assuming there is only one way that will forever exist, our application of how we use our resources are infinite. Creating scarcity and less resources making people poorer is not development.

It’s almost like both sides are stupid and wrong and just wants to shout at each other without giving any solutions. Both sides just want to be right while society suffers because both sides won’t just shut the actual fuck up. Sick of feminist ideology, sick of aggressive males. Why won’t you all just shut the fuck up with your bullshit. Especially fuck your egos with your identity politics shite whether your a white nationalist tard or a blue haired woke tard.

The education system creates scarcity of knowledge to increase the profit of investment and spending, everything complex can be broken down into simple forms.