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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I got really caught up in the “make number bigger” cycle of lifting, and each 5lbs I added to any lift was a huge dopamine spike. Obviously you can’t keep increasing weight forever, but I found that the steady and easy dopamine hits from noob gains were enough to establish it as a habit in spite of my attention span

I feel like it’s one of those things where you don’t need to understand it, you just need to respect how other people want to be addressed. For reference, I’m a cis man. It’s really easy to take for granted how gender affirming it is for me every time somebody refers to me with my preferred pronouns, he/him, because I’ve just never had the experience of somebody disrespecting that. I never had to justify my pronouns or fight for the basic respect of people using my preferred pronouns. The idea that anybody should be required to justify their pronouns or fight for that same respect that a lot of us take for granted is horseshit.