Airbnb sounds like a good idea when you imagine people using it as first envisioned: doing short-term rentals on an otherwise unavailable space that’s not being used. Handy for vacationers, and it’s a fair way for owners to make a few extra bucks, right?
It sucks, but it’s predictable, that owners are abusing the system. Buying a place specifically for Airbnb rentals should be cracked down on. Ridiculously picky rules are NOT okay. Cleaning fees need to be capped, unless there’s solid evidence (solid evidence by courtroom standards, not Airbnb standards).
Maybe I’m a dork, but I think“correlation does not equal causation” is actually a good thing to keep in mind.
I’m reminded of it every time a news story says something is “linked” to something else. I hate it when the word “linked” is used in this way. It’s often lazy journalism and/or a scare tactic. Saying that two things are “linked” implies a stronger relationship than may actually exist. I find it deliberately misleading.