
  • 1 Post
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 16, 2021


Mate, I literally said I am an atheist myself. If you don’t know what I am talking about just google “r/atheism cringe posts”.

As I said, I am non-religious / an atheist myself. Was raised christian, but my parents were cool with me being an atheist, later becoming non-religious themselves. What I was mainly referring to are the people actively trying to make fun of - or belittling - religious people. Edit: I am all for criticizing and making fun of organized religion.

Tried Gorgonzola Picante for the first time today and holy shit it melted my face off. Most pungent cheese I have ever eaten. Still tastes pretty good, though.

Reminds me of my edgy teenage atheist phase :) Now I don’t even want to be associated with atheists, even though I am still non-religious.


Blue mold cheese. I thought it would be disgusting, but I loved it.

Btw, are you on the subreddit r/2westerneurope4u ?