When you have testimonials from trash like oz and phil on you site you know its full of shit. Nothing wrong with my mental strengh. I can concentrate on a problem for twelve hours straight forgoing food and a restroom break. None of them possess a mental strength like that. I’ll stick with my qelbree for treatment thank you very much. You know a real drug not some essential oil type treatments.
I’m not suggesting this will happen to you but for me strattera made me throw up every time I stood up for about 4 weeks after quitting it. The reason I quit was a massive surge in my blood pressure. It was so extreme that my doctor probably weened me off too quickly. There was nothing in the official side effects about this kind of reaction. After a few weeks of scouring the internet I found a message board where someone described the exact same symptoms as I had. There was one other person who had commented about it happening to them. Both described when they started to get better and both felt they nearly died. at the four week mark I finally could stand without immediately throwing up. By week five I had a appetite for the first time in a month. I went from 240 to 175 pounds in that time.
I’m only sharing this to let you know that if you start having massive blood pressure induced migraines and you can’t get your blood pressure to drop you need to go to your doctor immediately. I waited a week like the others and think it may have not been as bad if I had started reducing my dosage sooner. My reaction was extreme and not at all common but I will never forget the spring of 2012 because of it. I really feel like I could have died.
I didn’t think it was doing anything for the first two months. Then I went three weeks without it. Since I couldn’t get united health to pay for it and the psychiatrist was out of samples. During that time I noticed that I couldn’t keep on task as well as I had. I still lose my keys in plain site and leave my lunch at home on occasion but not nearly as much as I used to. Just like all the rest its no miracle cure but since I can’t take any stimulant based treatment its much better than nothing.
As to the side effects I haven’t had many. No insomnia if taken in the morning. No headaches or no more than normal. No nausea or vomiting. Perhaps a bit of constipation but easily manged with a change in diet. The lack of appetite is a plus for me.