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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


It was worth it back when it was people renting out a spare room in their house or their whole apartment when they were away for a small bit of cash on the side, there was a mutual understanding that you are staying in another individuals private space with all the rules and caveats that come with that, so the pricing will reflect the arrangement. For me, this made the inconvenience worth putting up with in most cases.

Now that booking an AirBnb costs as much as a hotel room and the service has been overrun by landlords looking to use it as their primary rental income though? I’m booking a hotel every time. If I’m paying hotel money I want hotel service and convenience.

As someone with a soft spot for the series, I personally enjoyed it well enough. It’s another Indiana Jones movie, it’s quite formulaic, but its fun and it works for its intended purpose. It was never going to be incredible, high-brow cinema and I do wonder why anyone who has seen any of the others expected it to be anything other than what it was.