RIP Cheems

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 04, 2023


This is literally me, except the farther out the memory is, the clearer it is. I remember stuff that I was to young to viable be able to remember.

Yes. I do this too, and yet I still forget to do stuff.

Does your ADHD make you forget?
Hi, I'm new to lemmy and this is my first post. I've been diagnosed with adhd for a while now and I'm on medication. I've always had issues with memory and was wondering if this could have something to do with my ADHD, as taking the meds seems to help and it's only with small, simple things like what I did today or had for breakfast, sometimes even things I just saw or did seconds ago.

If you medication makes you feel uncomfortable, stop taking it, either you’ve got too high a dose or your body isn’t agreeing with it. Your specific symptoms correlate to an adhd meds overdose. Get with your doctor abd talk about it as soon as possible.

The reason your depression might be down is because adhd and depression medications both use a chemical called dopamine. Also fun fact, 20-30% of people with adhd also have major depression. As for you confidence, just stop think to much about it and just do what’s comfortable, it’s not that big a deal and it shouldn’t stress you out.