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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


For people who might not know this: lactase enzyme pills exist

Girls absolutely don’t do that /s

It’s just valid criticism, calm down.

For anyone who is concerned, that’s covered under the feminism warranty. Any masculinity that breaks while sitting on the toilet is compensated with a free voucher to revisit what masculinity means today and why it is perceived as demeaning to do stereotypically feminine things.

I don’t understand the facepalm. The pyramids didn’t build themselves, they are where they are because they are where civilization was. Have you seen the rest of Egypt? Not sure where you’d expect people to settle if not on the Nile and it’s flood plains, and not sure where you’d expect modern day Egyptians to move to.

Edit: good catch, I forgot that’s proven false now (see below)

Sp3 hybridization orbitals are definitely a mental illness

I dunno, I haven’t seen clothes beat up people before.