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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2023


I’m in middle management so I get my own office. I never use it because being alone in a quiet office makes me lose track of time. I perform better on the noisy platform with all the other colleagues and it doesn’t matter whether they are working or just chatting or taking a break. It’s just the presence of other people that keeps me picking myself up.

My wife won’t get it but I always have one earbud in one of my ears playing a podcast or audiobook. It makes it easier to get chores done. She hates it because I’m not immediately available all the time but it just works.

There is a before and an after. Once you get diagnosed you can start mitigating. There are many tricks but one thing I’ve learned is being vocal about it. My colleagues know I’m forgettable so they send me meeting requests and tasks all the time. They’ve also learned not to bother me with questions all the time because a simple question can turn into a deep dive for me.

I did the same thing as you. Got my masters degree in public management 2 years ago.

Finding a niche is hard when you like to learn new stuff all the time. Setting up a home lab got me into IT so a few days ago I also payed for my inscription fee at the uni.

I’m 43. I feel you. Lately I started processing what happened to me because of ADD. I’m lucky, fell on my feet and have a good life but I’ve lost so much time and was misunderstood for so long.

I feel you, though it is not as bas for me as you described. I was lucky. My wife sat through the whole journey. She’s rock solid.

Got diagnosed at age 26. (I’m 42 now) Straight on the meds. Side effects were intense but the awareness was mind boggling. I experienced focus for the first time in my life. Side effect was I was experiencing focus the whole time. Worrying was something new. A potential black hole caused by CERN in Switzerland was my main focus. I was on my way to a sabotage the whole plant. Big out bag ready and all. Fortunately my psych asked for side effects and I quit the meds for a few weeks. All settled down bit I was scared.

Then the acceptance came. I reorientated. Pushed myself through evening classes and got my master in public management. Because of the awareness I made it.

Got into a management position three years ago and thing fell apart. 6 Months ago I was on the verge of burnout and went to the doctors’. Told my story and now I’m on meds again. A low dose but it’s awesome. It’s the hand on the back that supports me and not the strong arm that pulls me like before.

I’m angry. At least, I used to be. Because the signs were clear and none of my teachers saw it. They are on the front line, they should’ve noticed. They told me I was lazy, even stupid and I believed it. I wasted a lot of years in shitty jobs but now I’m on track and functional. It took way to many years to realize how it affected my family life. As I told before. My wife is a rock.

The only thing that I wat to warn about is that the meds take away you good traits too. Make sure the dose is right. I’m creative and I don’t have a box to think outside of. I had interests… Way too many so I know a lot about a lot. That is my strength. The meds mess with that part of me but when well balanced ADHD is my super power.

Take care. Love you all.

Have you tried professional help? I mean, I’m all for us helping out each other but I suppose your issues are mental and not physical. And that is just an assumption so maybe start with a consultation with a GP.

Coffee can give you a little boost but it’s not something you can rely on in the long run.

As I’ve missed my own birthday so many times. My wedding anniversary mostly falls when we’re on vacation so it’s even worse. I’m not aware of time at all when we’re on vacation.

This! I just commented this but It’s awful. I’m a teamcoach at work and a lot of the times I can’t remember the names of colleagues that I’ve worked with for over 10 years.

I found a trick though. I ask them for their name. When they respond with their first name I reply 'I know your name, you silly, I need your last name so I can send an email. Only works on newer colleagues.

That’s why I took Concerta for a while. Just one pill a day. And I numbered the capsules on the strips so I could just check the date.

Just remembering people’s names is a torment. I’m a Teamcoach and I have to keep some sort of inventory because from time to time I can’t remember the names of colleagues that I’ve been working with for 10 years.

Yes, I have ADD and I miss parts of my days, certain special occasions are blurryand sometimes I can’t remember what I’ve done the last hour.

It’s part of the ‘symptoms’.

It took me several visits to the shrink.

Every. Report. In. School.

After my diagnose my life changed. I got a master degree while working full time and raising two kids.

I’m considering getting back on meds because my job is so demanding lately.

Yeah, it’s double. I quit Concerta a few days after I concocted the plan to sabotage CERN in Switzerland because I was convinced they would create a universe swallowing black hole when they would boot their large hadron collider. I had the bugout bag with supplied ready. Car fueled up and extra supplies in the trunk. Thank god I had an appointment with my psychiatrist to renew my prescription at that time. I told about my concerns and she figured out I was becoming paranoid because of a certain hyperfocus.

On that other hand, the few years I took it all the stuff that went dramatically wrong in my life because of me forgetting or not caring went away.