I’m an ancient monk with magical superpowers.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


No, its how cybitches are made

Your clue’s giving me a clue.

You think she practices yoga?

I heard those skillets don’t break fast.

A disturbing realistic sock puppet

This is too far ahead of its time for ai abusers to comprehend.

This is for the best. Just imagine if it were a hug instead.

As the day progresses you accidentally get stuck in traffic trying to pass through a road you knew had construction going on. 🤬

He knew his parents didn’t know he was home, so when he heard them arrive he quickly hid in the closest. He was determined to prove it.

When I say reuse, I mean specifically during production when the PLA is being melted into place.

PLA isn’t biodegradable. Its also emits toxic fumes every reuse.

Here we stand at this fork in the road, We got no time to waste, Oh which way shall we go? This whole world’s spinning out of control, Oh which way shall we go, Which way shall we go? I can’t believe this, It makes me sick. “Drones In The Valley” - Cage the Elephant

Capitalist sell what is not theirs because they are worthless human beings that can’t do anything.