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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


There is also: [email protected], for those interested in all sharing their experiences and findings when going foraging. Feel free to join now that the foraging season is starting again! 🍄🫐🌰

Also, thanks for sharing this list, added a bunch I was interested in 🙌

Great stuff! I will start posting there instead <3

Good initiative! I don’t own one but will join to maybe be inspired to buy one 😁

Yeah I get that, but surely other words could have been used instead? Might just be being old…

Just me that feels like using “porn” in the community titles is a bit childish, was hoping that would stay a reddit thing tbh

Good point… I’ve been looking for a good profile picture for the community for a while now. I just liked the art on this one so, didn’t actually think about it being edible hahaha, I’ll keep an eye out for a better one. Thanks for pointing it out 🌻