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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


Wild game: throw in rabbit, deer (or elk), buffalo, etc. Alligator is also quite tasty. Sheep, goat (man, nothing beats curry goat, let me tell you).

I resent that. I eat more than 3 species of animals.

I actually do have a habit of brushing my teeth. It’s part of my morning routine, which I do in the exact same order, every day. But, I’m autistic (I was diagnosed as a teen in the 80s). I’m one of those persons that has a very exact routine, and get really upset when my routine gets interrupted.

But, I do agree with you that some of those symptoms seem more indicative of depression than ADHD.

As an autistic person, habits are integral to my existence. I hate it when my schedule gets crazy, unless I very specifically plan for it. However, my husband who has ADHD, the above seems true. As a simple example: I always leave my stuff like keys, lunchbox, and headphones in the exact same spot when I get home from work. On the other hand, I spent 10 minutes this morning trying to find where my husband put the potato chips that I was planning on taking for lunch. Instead of being in the kitchen, they were in the living room(??!!) cos he moved them there to “get them out of the way.”

I’m very structured in the way I work; he needs to be constantly redirected to stay on task. I have boundless attention to fiddly, very specific high-attention things (I do a lot of fiber crafts such as knitting and crocheting lace) for HOURS, to quote Neal Stephenson, “I have attention surplus disorder.” He can’t work on anything longer than 15 minutes.

It used to drive me crazy, but now I’ve realized that’s just how his brain works, and we just work around it. On the other hand, he keeps makes me take breaks and pace myself (which I don’t usually do), and I help him be more efficient. It’s a pretty good system.