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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


I think you’re vastly under-estimating the difficulty of doing something like this by someone who literally had not heard of photoshop a week prior. Especially when we’re speaking of someone whose being refered as “uncle”

That’s pretty good for a week of practice. Almost too good.

I am still sceptical about whether I am, because I feel far too dumb.

Guess who doesn’t feel dumb? Stupid people.

I think that Dunning Kruger effect plays a role here aswell; when you’re dumb you don’t know what you don’t know so you feel like you know a lot. Then as you learn more about shit you also learn how much you don’t know and thus become less sure about your knowledge even though you may be above the average. It’s pretty similar to impostor syndrome.

I’m one of those people who don’t really consider themselves to be particularly intelligent but at the same time most other people don’t seem smarter than me either. Statistically half of the world’s population is dumber than average so just because someone is above the average that still doesn’t exactly make them genious either. The way I reason this to myself is that I’m not “smart” as in I know a lot of things. What makes me different from many other people is the way my brain works. I seem to have the capability to not get invested into ideas and rather can take few steps back and observe things more analytically by using logic and reason rather than emotions and feelings. This doesn’t mean I don’t feel the emotional reactions aswell but I just usually don’t get captured by them.

At one point I realized that I almost never wear over half of my clothes so I got rid of them. Now I have like 20 similar colored t-shirts, 3 similar colored pants, 40 pairs of underwear, a pile of black socks etc. After doing laundry I put the clean clothes at the bottom of the pile and when I need a fresh shirt I take the one that’s on top. Same applies for all my other clothes aswell. I basically wear the same outfit every single day.

This is my issue right now. I got laid off from work and my options are to either get a new job or start my own business that I’ve been thinking about for years as I hate working for someone else. I just don’t have much faith in myself that I’ll actually manage to run the business and do all the things that needs to be done when they need to be done as there is no one telling me to do it. I have no trouble getting up in the morning when I know I have to do something but I dread what it’s going to be when the have to turns into should