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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


That’s okay, I hear having a fragile ego is actually part of French culture. You know with French culture being diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and all that.

I hope you guys really get some help.

Nah doing the same thing would be claiming that France’s culture is afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder.

French culture is entirely based on an unreasonably high sense of it’s own importance. It needs and seeks too much attention and wants other cultures to admire them. Cultures with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the cultures of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, their culture is not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.

You’re French, right?

Have you been dipping into your manga collection for sources?

You can’t correct people without attempting to prove they are wrong…

Correcting someone (aka rebutting a claim) automatically means you are engaged in Discourse (aka debate).

If you don’t want to be involved in discourse, then don’t make claims. If you want to make claims, don’t be surprised when people disagree with them and offer rebuttals.

Well you see…I’m rubber and you are glue. Whatever you say bounces from me, and sticks to you.

You want to be right, and read what you want (or you wouldn’t even have answered, among others things), so yes, you’re right.

Ahh yes, how could anyone not understand such clear and powerful writing… it’s like talking to a Toaist with a concussion.

I explicitly stated why you’re talking in the air, you really want to be right, while thinking your past justifies any of that eh ?

I don’t think you understand what explicitly means…

Protip, that was just an argument of authority to use your nationality like that)

Lol, it was a rebuttal you idiot. I was confronting your claim that my information was discreditable because my knowledge of a subject is biased by my own research interest. Do you even know about Korean and Japanese history? Or have any idea why a Korean person may have a better understanding about Japanese ethnic conflict?

Learn not to care on the internet and when to stop, it’ll do you a great deal of good.

Lol, do you think the equivalent of “I’m rubber your glue” is an actual defensible argument? Or is that just what you do when you get slapped around in an argument?

The guy I answered to talked about “imperial fascism”, are you gonna argue that it doesn’t entail racism ?

Are you denying that the imperial Japanese government wasn’t committing crimes against humanity based on the ideology of ethnic supremacy?

I wasn’t conflating xenophobia with willing racism, I was explaining where the xenophobia hailed from, by confronting your claim that this xenophobia was a result of an often misunderstood span of isolationist tendencies.

A debate isn’t a conflict originally, that’s a very US thing. A debate is supposed to be point of views exposed from both sides, so each can learn from the other.

Maybe between two people educated on the topic… There’s no common ground when one person is just making shit up and not providing any supporting evidence.

You want to be right, and read what you want

No, I’m Korean and still have family members who experienced first hand the horrors of ethnic conflict brought to them by the government of Japan. The types of crimes that the Japanese government still denies and still attempts to white wash out of history.

Maybe actually pick up a history book about the topic some time? Or, maybe try reading about the history of Japan somewhere other than a manga?

withdrawal symptoms aren’t as bad doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

And just because there are withdrawals, doesn’t mean that it’s a physical addiction. Some psychological withdrawals are physical in nature, anxiety can increase cortisol output which leads to the withdrawal symptoms people speak of.

This is not the same as a physical dependency, where a person can become dangerously ill if they don’t ween off their substances.

And i for sure use marijuana to keep me in homeostasis.

No you don’t, you may use cannabis to self medicate for psychological effects, but you aren’t doing it to make sure you don’t start vomiting and running a fever.

We need to stop saying psychological withdrawal doesnt have roots based in brain chemistry.

No one is saying that… That’s precisely why a psychologicaly addictive is considered psychological. Physical addictions effect more than just brain chemistry.

I think you are just underestimating the span and severity of psychologicaly addictive substances. Just because it is not physically addictive doesn’t mean it’s not bad, it just less likely that your body forms a physical dependency on it.

Marijuana is absolutely physically addictive as much as people want to say it isnt.

I mean it scientifically isn’t though. Physical addictions don’t just give you psychological withdrawals, they are physical. Your body becomes dependent on them to maintain homeostasis.

Cold turkeying drugs like opioids and benzos can kill you.