If you say Ritalin, you mean the “normal” version without extended release, right?
It is individual how many hours Concerta has an effect, but it’s roughly 7-10h.
How much mg of Ritalin do you take in 7-10h in total? That is roughly the dosage you need for Concerta.
Although I have ADHD, I do prefer making a phone call, when I need something urgently. Especially if I deal with a company or a service provider e.g. party location/dj/photographer for our wedding party or whatever. I’m always anxious that they don’t read or answer my message in time
If you say Ritalin, you mean the “normal” version without extended release, right? It is individual how many hours Concerta has an effect, but it’s roughly 7-10h.
How much mg of Ritalin do you take in 7-10h in total? That is roughly the dosage you need for Concerta.