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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I’m in America and I love to push my car to its limits. I will take turns unnecessarily fast. Give me a relatively clear rural road and I will be punching that speed or greater if it’s long and straight enough. Put me on a dry dirt road and I go crazy, nothing is quite like leaving a huge plume of dust behind me.

Finding out risk taking was a symptom explained soooo much about how I drive sometimes.

Edit to add: I’ve done about 160 kph(100 mph) in west Texas on the desolate straight interstate out there. That’s kind of a limit for me in a regular car without more safety features.

For the love of god. I know why they use fax, but it is so damn frustrating in the age of texting and email.

I just got on Adderall at 54, with all I heard I figured I’d have to hunt it down. Nope, my regular pharmacy had it. Scared what it’ll be like next month.

Got any, uh, links for a, uh, friend of mine?

Why does your SO enter into your taking care of your mental health? This is all about YOU, if they don’t like it, they are free to leave and find a partner that does not have it. Never, fucking ever put someone else’s opinion before your well being.