
If you like what I do, send me some Monero:


  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 12, 2024

I have reset the link. If you want to join, write me a private message :)

Same in Germany. New prescription every month, sometimes you can get bigger packages at least.

I need less than I get which is nice, so I already got 3* stocked up.

But it is shit anyways. Need to get a “transfer” by a random doctor to again get the allowance that your paid health insurance pays therapy.

I love my phone for that.

Write it down, now!

Honestly as a guy with ADHD in a small company this really is a gift

I am also pretty hyper-social nowadays


Everything after 3 words is not read XD

White and Pink noise where shown to increase concentration in ADHD people

Of course, I have this tab in Mull lying around for 3 weeks and in one week it will be auto-deleted!

Gotta get some white noise!

One Calendar, one task list and a few physical lists.

  • the calendar: Thunderbird and FossifyContacts + DAVx5 with my mail provider
  • the list: Thunderbird (want to change that) and

Using GrapheneOS and Fedora Kinoite

If someone knows a good, simple, best GTK (yes I love tons of GTK apps on KDE) task app that doesnt distract, please recommend.

Hm, Lemmy ist halt prinzipiell “alles ins Interner für immer”. Man bekommt Sachen aus dem Fedi teilweise echt gar nicht mehr raus.

Nicht mein Lieblingsweg für private Dinge.

[DE] ADHS-Austauschgruppe auf Signal/SimpleX
Hallo Leute! Ich habe meine ADHS diagnose bekommen, und darf mich jetzt wirklich als ADHSler bezeichnen. Ich hätte Lust auf eine Austauschgruppe zu etlichen Dingen wie Medikamenten, Erfahrungen, Apps, Strategien etc. Um etwas Datenschutz zu garantieren, würde ich sagen alle interessierten schreiben mir eine private Nachricht, mit einem lustigen Spruch und ihrem Wunsch für die Gruppe. (Bot-Abwehr ist nervig...)

I feel that. Maybe get into a local or remote community with people about something, and share your stuff?

Nature and Linux communities are always pretty edgy and cool.

Well even Vanadium has Adblock now :D

I agree that we need to protect “normal” people with “normal” browsers. But on the other hand we have Mull & Librewolf so no real problem?

Cool and all but I have no idea how to test this. My hardened Firefox blocks autoplaying media, NoScript requires me to opt-in to all Javascript origins, meaning I dont even get 90% of 3rd party bloat, and UBlockOrigin also does its part.