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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 17, 2023


You might not need official testing if your doctor is comfortable prescribing meds without it. talk to your doctor and see what they think. based on a discussion of your experience, they may be willing to prescribe you a minimum dose of an ADHD med to see if it helps. it’s not the most scientific way to confirm that you’ve technically got ADHD, but assuming you’re physically healthy, the worst case scenario would be that you have bad side effects, stop taking it, and you’ll have wasted some of your time.

oh that’s interesting. I was under the impression that a GP wouldn’t prescribe simulant meds without sending me to a psychiatrist first. I’ll have to talk to my GP about it then. I haven’t discussed it with her since I came off atomoxetine.

Simulant meds for inattentive ADHD?
I'm a 45-year-old dude who's only now coming to grips with having probably lived my whole life with undiagnosed inattentive-type ADHD. My wife and online communities like this one (and formerly Reddit) have helped me see that I may have been playing life on hard mode by pretending I didn't have ADHD. My doctor had me try Strattera (atomoxetine) about a year ago, but all it did was make me feel like I was nervous. Have any of you inattentive-types had any success with simulant meds? I know it would be a lot of trouble to get officially diagnosed and even more trouble to fill the prescription, so I wonder if it's worth trying. edit: Thank you everyone who shared their experience. It sounds like Adderall or Vyvanse are effective for focus and executive dysfunction. If anyone is still keeping tabs on this conversation, have you had any improvement in forgetfulness/distractedness with simulant meds?

I don’t mean to be an aggressive anti-capitalist (but I’m gonna), but the suggestion that the solution to “dopamine addiction” is to “throw yourself into your work” makes me extremely suspicious.