I love NixOS but I really wish it had some form of containerization by default for all packages like flatpak and I didn’t have to monkey with the config to install a package/change a setting. Other than that it is literally the perfect distro, every bit of my os config can be duplicated from a single git repo.
Cool meme but Reuters doesn’t own AP and Rothschild doesn’t own Reuters. It is quite ironic to be pushing against the very real problem of media disinfo/government propaganda trickled down through AP/Reuters, while at the same time spreading misinformation.
Based NixOS user
I love NixOS but I really wish it had some form of containerization by default for all packages like flatpak and I didn’t have to monkey with the config to install a package/change a setting. Other than that it is literally the perfect distro, every bit of my os config can be duplicated from a single git repo.