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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Soon as I see the ‘literally’ I usually predict how it’s going to go.

While the Texas grid does have issues related heat waves, it’s not alone in that regard. Basically every southwestern state does, including California.

There are stark differences between 49 other states and Texas.

  • Texas power grid has been systematically gutted
  • regulation and inspections are defunded, as Texas refuses the inspections required to join the nations power exchange as a peer.

And the big one

  • now they’re not exchanging power, they have to buy from their rich constituents, at a premium, and they gut the bank accounts of your tax money

They’re set up for failure and occasionally they succeed.

Kinda orthogonal but I will say it’s weird that we can still vote with our wallets.

the data only goes back to 1979 and has not yet been verified by NOAA which has data going back to 1880.

There’s a whole hot world outside of America who don’t need to wait for its underfunded organizations to get around to validating the data.

But I get it. The news is dire. It’s neat to cling to uncertainty in times like this unless you lived in Lytton

Yes. Our 12% will really make a difference vs corporations’ 80%. And we can get to that 12% if so 8 billion of us work together. I’m doing my 0.0000001% part!