On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


You have a problem with profits, mate, not with ads.

I’m not disagreeing with you there, but also, I like the things I like to exist without waiting for the revolution.

My brother in Christ, being watched is the goal of any content creator, that’s unrelated to advertisements. Now Youtube ads are paid (lets simplify a bit) blindly once you click the video, it’s a metric, you see those if you want access to the video.

If the content of the video has the guy saying “thanks xyz for sponsoring this raid shadow legends” that’s a contract between the guy doing the video and the sponsor, following metrics agreed between themselves, it has no ties with “the purpose of youtube” simply because… it’s not youtube.

Will there be people doing cheap content to get “easy” sponsor money? Sure but if the content suck you won’t watch it. It’s a loss just like if the motetization was following any other driver (as long as the driver is… watching the thing rather than not).

I wish there was a way to pay for just a single video

There totally is, just send them a low amount of money or do the hwole Youtube Premium thing.

That’s not your opinion. Ads are, indeed, ads.

Not all ads are invasive soul seeking tracking nightmares and no, there are not “many ways” for content creators to do that full-time.

Daily reminder that SponsorBlock, unlike adiacent solutions (Like AdBlocks for example) is not necessarily “good”.

Explicit sponsorship inside a video is considered to be one of a few good solution to the issue of content creators being naturally subjected to death by starvation.

Bats don’t need light therefore a light switch have no meaning for them. Lost referres more to the human than the bat side.