Nerd, Anime and Film Enjoyer, Video Editor, Python Dev, Learning Rust, Linux Enjoyer, Sick of Windows, Currently Running Pop!_OS, Debian and /e/OS

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Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I meant tobacco with the whole lung cancer thing. But tbh you can’t escape poisening yourself if you have a fairly regular life. Cars, processed foods, plastics; all that kind of stuff is very hard to avoid for most people. With smoking I just really hate the smell (I’m hypersensitive) and the fact that smoker’s poor decisions often times directly impact the people around them

I don’t care if anyone smokes. Just don’t annoy me with it. People smoking in public places and giving you free lung cancer is my worst pet peeve.

Thats why I hate smoking more than drinking. Drinking doesn’t make me want to cough my lungs out and doesn’t endanger me directly when someone does it. Smoking does.