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Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Carbon reduction ouught to be about kicking corporation into reduction as consumers are a much lower percentage of the issue. And deforestation (now as compared to was) is as much a Palm Oil issue as anything, which is a food product issue. Then saving soil is more of a general agriculture issue combined with irrigation and it’s salt salinity, plus runoff, and…

Yea this meme nails how I feel, I just wish I felt less disenfranchised about the knowledge I have about how the next generations are going to go to hell in a hand basket.

As a guy who struggle to date because I respect women as best I can, I sympathize with the mentality indicated, but also disagree that it is just a dating app issue.

Distilling it to a few points is, I believe, disingenuous to the very complex situation that modern dating is.

Although there is argument about the science, the book Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan is one of many that can help reframe the physiological and psychological background of partnering. Not insofar as it is valid, but that what we think we know is really much more under review and debatable.

Add the increase of women in the workplace, Title 9, the increase of an educated women (nay thr dominance of women in many masters and above programs), the urbanization of society, the increase of population dramatically and it’s associated demographics shift towards an increase in women, etc, etc. There is a lot going on. Which definitely includes the change of technology in reaching peers and potential dates.

Our physiology has not changed nearly as much as the knowledge base has however. Which means many things, but among other things it means that physiology can be manipulated by technology. In this, I would agree there is a basis for arguing that dating apps are interrupting the interpersonal interaction.

Having said all that, anecdotally, I will also say not using apps and meeting people is impressively challenging for all the previously normal reason dating is painful… Assuming you can find a place to meet someone compatible.