Queer and here

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


Yup got it in 10 or so secs !!

Happens as well , I take my waterbottle to the kitchen to fill it and come back with empty bottle wonder why I went to the kitchen in the first place !

Where do I sign up ?

Am I the only one who is like super grossed out by this ??

Haha seems like I wasnt alone , reading the comments !

Took me a while

I think ads need to be the way to go for a peer video sharing platform , maybe less intrusive ads but they need to be there , else it will be very hard for many creators to make money

Cannot agree more with this , most screens those are used at homes are good to go with 720p , or at least i fail to see a difference !

The shitshow reddit has become now , I believe most will be looking for an alternative !

No one said they are killing or replacing them , I moved to fediverse becuase the govt cant bully them into censoring certain content that was being removed from major SMs in my country