• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


thanks! As you work with computers - how do you manage working from home (in case you have experience with that) It is something really hard for me to deal with when I don’t have the spacial separation thanks again for you answer :)

How to get structure/routine and maintain it
Hi there. Things have spiraled out of control lately, I don't have a stable job at the moment and when I do, I mostly work from home. I urgently need to establish some kind of routine and find a way to follow it. Productivity isn't even the priority as I do have a good amount of free time. Problem is that I don't use this boredom effectively at all. I wanted to know if there are books/guides that could help ADHD people establish routines and how to keep them up. I'm autistic too, which means I greatly benefit from routine. Thanks for any kind of advice!

I don’t know. I tend to just try to live and hope I come up with an idea at some point.

thanks a lot for your words!

Happiness is 80% a choice and its easier to make with medical assistance

it feels like it is so much labor and I am exhausted. it never really sticks, it keeps slipping away. I wish it was easier

thanks. Sure, let me hear them! they might not work for me, but it certainly won’t hurt reading them

ADHD + Depression is weird
I don't know where the purpose of my life is. I looked where I last saw it and it isn't there anymore. It's like losing your keychain. All I can do is hope I forgot it somewhere at home because I sure can't go outside without it. I wanna find joy in things again, and it is so difficult to get you shit together when everything feels so meaningless. The more I look for the keys the more I fear I lost them for good. Which makes me not wanna search for them at all and just distract myself with random stuff. I think that describes my situation quite well. Anyway I'm sad. But I hope you all are doing okay!