I would suggest trying to reduce your dose at the day.
I try to have it just about right so that it slightly stimulates me, but it is still me that needs to concentrate.
Then you arent so exhausted in the evening and can do stuff.
On 30mg of Elvanse I was extremely stimulated and completely worn down afterwards.
Now on ⅓ of that dose, this is way less extreme.
Still a bit, but not that much.
You could also try medication that doesnt last as long. You would move the tiredness to the end of the workday, and could possibly have recovered already in the evening.
You know, set priorities. Currently it seems your priority is to work the best you can. But this means your brain is exhausted in the evening.
I oppose the other comment about just taking more. Be careful with your brain.
Anxiety is caused by Dopamine? I am not sure here, but would expect it to be bound to low Serotonine and high Adrenaline and Noradrenaline (aka. Norepinephrine).
Noradrenaline (aka. Norepinphrine) causes alertness and is associated with the “fight of flight response”.
I have no idea why somebody would prescribe something for a person with 1. ADHD and 2. Anxiety issues.
But I assume the person may know better.
ADHD, to my knowledge, is mostly an issue of overactive pumps removing Dopamine from the synapse slit too quickly.
I used drinking Coffee, or Modafinil (which afaik also works on noradrenaline) as a substitute which tbh is pretty bad. I have the feeling that Amphetamines are better.
But I will have to see under exactly the same conditions. For example on Modafinil I could spend a day hyperactively doing random shit I shouldnt do. This might as well happen with Amphetamines, I will have to see that.
Interesting! That is an atypical treatment, isnt it? It is a norepinephrine-reuptake-inhibitor, unlike others that act on Dopamine.
Why did you get this instead of the typically associated meds?
It could be interesting to switch (for people that really cant take pauses) between this and Amphetamines (acting on Dopamine) to avoid a tolerance.
Another person told me Adderal would last equally long, while that works on Dopamine.
Thanks, yes there will be huge differences.
Funny, I didnt get a tolerance often, for example with Cannabis. I got one with Caffeine I think.
I think with cannabis was because I took so little.
I want to try the “as low as possible” way. And maybe also 10mg Elvanse in the morning, something shorter lasting in the afternoon.
I will wait a few days and see how that evolves, but that was so much I am sure I dont want that every day and also not sometimes.
Actually, on the packaging it says that you can open the capsule and digest with joghurt. Pretty strange method, but thats why I did it.
Maybe the fat helps with a slower release. I will see, today I experiment with 10mg sober, may kick a bit too hard.
Vyvanse seems to just be a chemical prodrug, so the capsule is less important than the actual compound, regarding the release delay. That is my interpretation, I may keep you updated.
Thanks a lot for all the tips! I will try a lower dose and also make pause days (apart from weekends).
I will try Adderal, if that is not good enough, if I can find the compound it includes (it is also just some form of Amphetamine, likely with less molecules attached so it goes faster).
Thanks yes I can imagine that.
I am generally very sensitive against drugs, noise, bad swimming water, …
So I react way more than others.
Two issues here. It is no problem to just split a pill. I open it up in a good vessel, shake it a bit and eyeball ⅓ of it. No atom science.
And I would like to tell my doctor that I want to increase the dose, if I dilute anyways, I wouldnt need to go that often.
There is a 40mg 100 capsules package, which would last like a year for me!
But at the same time I would like to tell him that 30mg is not a safe dose, he should teach first time patients to open the capsule and dilute themselves. You can easily do that.
But then he might not prescribe me what I need, because some garbage argumentation that it is not safe to split yourself or whatever.
I might just try it, and explain my reasoning. He is kinda nice.
Its actually pretty accurate.
Prefrontal cortex just chillin, the rest completely escalating