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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Dec 29, 2023


Yeah, I tried it for a few months before the horrible side effects made me stop. Never saw a noticeable difference in my ADHD.

Explain your reasoning that people mistakenly self-diagnosing themselves with ADHD has nothing to do with the ADHD community.

There’s also a lot of people who think they have adhd and don’t because the symptoms are relatable to everyone.

I wonder if that’s due to like people grouping together, or people taking on personality traits of those they spend time with.

I know I’ve picked up a few things that my wife does, like wiping my fingers every time I touch food to eat it.

I think executive functioning disorder is the best description of it. Adhd has never made sense as the name to me.

Yeah, my wife tries to read me lists of things and I have to stop her. There’s no way my brain will retain it.