• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


in case others don’t know, the ((())) means jews. because it’s always antisemitism. every fucking time.

okay but like for real, i’d trust snack mascots more if they looked like they just went to fucking town those snacks

hwat do you mean there’s only soup?

i honestly love tests like this. i don’t learn anything new about myself, but if a future partner cares about my sexuality to this level, it’d be cool to show them

i’m pretty sure that’s Baphomet, or Baphie

look, the last time i tried to make eye contact i couldn’t see for like, 10 minutes

jesus christ i know i’m fucked when this didn’t shock me

yeah that’s why he said his grandma could run faster cause he sure as hell can’t

of course he’s a cop, that’s why he’s always asking if i like kissing boys


you can call out for any reason if you lie

photorealistic goku isn’t real, he can’t hurt me

i have watched through ted lasso 3 times in the past year help me it’s so good and wholesome i love it

and that is why i only buy AAA games off g2a. indie devs generally deserve my money still

196 is a shitpost sub where you must post something when you vist

a tankie is a authoritarian that believes they’re a communist. they support the imperialist invasion of Ukraine, and they deny the tianaman square massacre, where the CCP ran tanks over college students protesting the authoritarian government. they deny a bunch of other atrocities as well, these are the only two i can think of right now.

a lot of tankies are going to be posting an essay by Engles that defends authoritarianism, asserting that authoritarianism is compatible with communism. which, while sure, isn’t ideal because one person having power always ends in genocide. well, it doesn’t end in genocide, genocide just… happens under authoritarianism.

there’s literally a community called “moretankie196”, they should go infest that one instead