
Keyoxide: $argon2id$v=19$m=8192,t=2,p=4$jxJjKHbOe6nCL4sFU0cPTQ$dIcs/Q8WShEaiy1l3VRnE34IEC0fcGgB

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


This is all spot on. Listen to this kind internet soul.

If you don’t want to finish uni, nothing wrong with not doing it. “To get a good job you have to finish college” is total bullshit, and so is “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”.

Find a career that interests you if you can, but more importantly go a route that will let you lead the life you want. So you can work and then have time for your hobbies.

So many trades are well paying and you might find them more interesting than they seem on the surface. For me, making things (physical and software) tickles my lizard brain and for you that could be electrical work, mechanic work, software, plumbing, engineering, sales, etc.

Some will need a degree, some won’t but one day you will find something in between “I don’t hate my job” and “this is awesome work”. That is where you want to be. Then you can figure out if you like hiking, building models, wood working, gaming, fitness things, disc golf, reading, golf golf, etc and

Life’s not a race but you only get the one so make sure youre doing what works for you. What works for you can be shockingly hard to figure out but its worth time putting in the effort to do so.

Definitely get professional help. Its scary to talk to someone or even tell your parents you think you need to but its worth it. Therapy really helped me out. Good luck and remember you’re not alone!