I got diagnosed with ADHD and you will never hear me reference it for any excuse for anything ever. It’s the worst crutch to excuse lack of self improvement.
All a person can do is deal with themselves and grow.
I regret society ever learning about it, it is so abused as an excuse to forgive a lack of personal awareness and growth.
I just roll my eyes at the shit people say claiming they have ADHD. Pathetic really.
Yeah, you need to just stop saying sorry. All your words mean nothing, because you are failing to grasp just how self defeating it is to apologize so often.
You are feeling sorry for yourself. No one else is.
It’s honestly so stupidly simple, but here you are adding layers of complexity to something that is begging the opposite.
I know I’m wasting my time writing this, because a lot of who you are at your core is evident, and you are afraid to actually face yourself.
Stop saying sorry and allow yourself to focus on something which might lead to a better life, because this self absorbed victim mentality will lead to actual mental illness.
Lol, I never try to remember birthdays. I think days that are meant to make people feel special (aside from children) are inherently unhealthy. Valentine’s , birthdays, mother’s Day, father’s day… all days with false expectations that can wreck havoc on a person’s moral when it doesn’t unfold as they selfishly desire.
I found this stance works particularly well once I let this view be known to those around me, and everyone is happier for it.
When I do special things for people it’s because I want to, and they know it, making it infinitely more special and intimate.