Yeah I’ve gained some weight in the last couple years. I hurt my back pretty bad a while back, and that combined with a bunch of new meds since then have not done my figure any favors. I don’t drink, though, haven’t for years. I definitely don’t crave sweets or foods in general, but I’m not nearly as active as I probably should be, given the back and the computer job and the 105 degree summer heat lately. I’m not thin by any stretch of the imagination, but I did just do a 4 day hike through the eastern Sierras so it’s not like I do nothing.
I agree with you that the meds don’t seem to help much. That said, I do trust my doc, and she has preached a slow and steady approach with good documentation, so I’ll keep taking the meds for now.
if I don’t see a friend for a few months they’ll often just fall off my radar entirely…
I’ve lost a lot of friends, and messed up at least one serious relationship, because of this phenomenon. If someone isn’t around, I just don’t think about them. When they are around, I’m fully invested, but that’s not enough for some people.
Yeah, I’ve been on a few different things, Sertraline and Atomoxetine is the current cocktail. They always seem to help for a few months, but it never seems to take long to get back to the regular-scheduled programming. I was previously on Adderall but I think it made things worse, I was unusually angry and aggressive. My doc says I don’t meet the qualifications for bipolar, as mentioned “cyclothymia” is the term she uses, basically bipolar-light, but definitely related.
For me, time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. See my comment in a thread elsewhere in this post. I really struggle with both measuring time and with my long-term memory. I am good with facts but bad with my own personal history, and have no ability to imagine or recall images in the way it seems most people can.
Oh yeah I remember very little, and what I do remember is a story I’ve been telling or have heard told enough that I know the story but have no real memory of the event. Whenever I’m in my home town I’m constantly getting people telling me we went to high school together and I always feel bad telling them I don’t remember them. I also don’t really have the ability to conjure or remember visual things, everything is sort of a nebulous mix of vague emotional memory and useless encyclopedic fact-lists. I can rattle off every phone number I’ve ever had, but I can’t remember what my grandmother looked like. I’ve been told most people do not have this issue, lol.
I appreciate this advice, especially talking to the doc. I could probably stand to bring it up again, it’s been a while. My biggest issue for sure is the guilt and frustration that comes with my unpredictable performance, but it’s less an issue of disappointing others and more of an issue of self-worth. I have things I legitimately want to do with my life, and both the skill and the opportunity to do those things. I just… can’t seem to do it. I rationally know why, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating.
It’s nice, at least, that it’s something we talk about nowadays.
Not a stupid question! I am not a person who menstruates, however, so unlikely to be the issue for me personally. Still good info and always best to not make assumptions either way, thank you!