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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


I’m no professional, but if you’re concerned about it and it’s available to you, maybe try some sort of anger management class?

But: imo, one of the best lessons I’ve learned is that you’re not defined by your emotions and thoughts, only how you act on them. Getting angry about being angry would just feed a big ole anger loop. So if you can identify what makes you angry, you can take however much control you can over your environment to reduce it, and don’t beat yourself up for feeling a certain way!

Interesting. An API call shouldn’t return HTML, since it’s essentially just a proxy to query a DB for some value, so I can see why they’d think you’re web scraping. Might want to try a different API?

But yeah, most APIs have a fee associated with them, so web scraping gets around that. You could fully commit to it, nothing wrong with that. If you’re web scraping though, I’d definitely do some studying up on how the DOM works. Once you learn to navigate it, things get a lot easier. https://www.w3schools.com/whatis/whatis_htmldom.asp

Good luck!!

Reduce scope. Look at what you’re doing and cut out all the “nice to haves” until you have just the “need to haves”.

For a behindthevoiceactors clone, the bare minimum would be a simple web page with a search bar for actor names. You could use a query string in the URL that gets passed to an IMDb API call that then renders a simple page that just has the actor’s name as the header and a plain table listing shows/movies/games and their role(s) and years.

Everything on top of that, pretty CSS, pictures, hyperlinks to other places, that’s all fluff that you can add on after you’re already “done” having created a minimum viable product. And at the nice to have stage, you can put it down at any point without feeling like it’s unfinished.

I like having an off day once a week from my Vyvanse, personally. On a day off where I’ve got nothing important to do.

Like, I let myself have an ADHD day, where I’d normally be beating myself up over my self perception of being lazy with deadlines hanging over my head, but now it’s fine because I actually got things done the other 6 days of the week.