tupewe (OFFICIAL)

This account is used by two people! One goes by any pronouns and the other is a she, no need to worry which you’re talking with… Just saying in case two comments by this account look like they were written by different people, WE’RE NOT INSANE!! :) (Maybe a little bit, actually ;P)

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Damn crazy to think this was 99 years ago… And it’ll be a whole century next year!

Block Of Porkchop

Porkchop Slab

Porkchop Stairs

Cracked Polished Chiseled Porkchop Bricks Stairs

I played a bit a few weeks ago and I didn’t have any issues with bots but the last time I played for more than 1 day was years ago so maybe I just got lucky :p

W - Team

W - Fortress

2 - Two

I don’t know what they’re saying but they look cute :3

In the games pokemon sometimes seem as smart as people minus the ability to speak and other times they act like dogs so I guess it depends on the pokemon, its level, etc.

For example, I don’t think a Shedinja would be able to consent, it can’t even move or do anything, but I’m pretty sure Arceus would

I never understood they point of those things, whatever they’re called

Why not just sit on a toilet?!

Is that reddit? It looks different

Looks cool for screenshots like this!

Programming is the most fun and most irritating thing that I know

I also took a photo of a bug and it looks like I took the photo with a toaster but I think it’s a cool spider :)


Marked as spoiler for arachnophobes, did I do the spoiler right?

Oh yeah he said that too :p

He had too much drip, the world wasn’t ready for him :(

For anyone that’s curious I found the announcement on Reddit

So basically, they’re replacing coins and awards for… something… but they have no idea what that will be yet? And they’ve already set a deadline and made an announcement?

That cat reminds me of that Vine video of someone coming with a knife to a little girl wearing sunglasses and she says “I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me”

They both have such a “Your [Legendary Bane Of The Undead (Bonus: +10 Fire Damage)] isn’t strong enough to fight this boss” vibe

Oh my god I love this I need a whole community dedicated to stuff like this

I think there was one on reddit right? Is there a fedi equivalent?

I mean… ACAB and all that but… DAMN

I saw this post earlier and I could see the video without downloading but now it sends me to a site saying that the file has been deleted or expired

heh I just found my own post

Celebrity Surfer Who Lost Arm in Shark Attack

Oh is this going to be another ‘She had a terrible accident but that didn’t stop her from doing what she loves’ moment? Neat!

Vows to Boycott League

Oh no! Are they doing it in a dangerous place or something and she doesn’t want any more people to go through what she went through?

over Trans-Inclusion Policy


I know you’re joking but I think you can block the user that posted it and you won’t see any of their posts

But yeah I’d also like a way to block just one post



You take E because you’re transexual.

I take E as a reference to the funny internet meme “E”.

We are not the same.

Oh my fucking god I didn’t even notice

This is even worse than The Game… wait SHIT

And the sweater I ordered still hasn’t arrived :(

Damn this guy REALLY hates vim


I reverse-image-searched a copy without the tiktok watermark on reddit

Edit: I think I found the original! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=910180696517511&id=271488527053401&set=a.852065612329020&refid=13

How to ALWAYS write flawless code:

  1. Write code

  2. Never run it and convince yourself that it is perfect

  3. If someone says otherwise, catfish them for 2 years (minimum) and then shatter their heart into tiny pieces

  4. Success