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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


“Oh hey, remember (name)? They worked here like 6 months ago.”

No. No I do not remember that person. I probably didn’t learn their name when they were here, let alone retain that information 6 months later.

Now I just lie, cuz people do NOT like the implication that you’ll definitely forget their name in 6 months, too 😂 “Oh, yeah! That guy! How’s he doing these days?” While I desperately try to conjure a mental picture as they talk about That Guy. Usually the conversation ends with me still not having a clue.

I blame a lot on brain farts when the name I can’t come up with is someone who DOES still work here, “Fuck, why am I not coming up with this name that I 100% do, in fact, know??”

Really they should have been clued in to my horrible memory when I needed the phone number for our other store, that I call multiple times a DAY, to be written down near the phone because I can’t reliably remember it when I need it.

I don’t get it?

The OP was expressing how awkward sex would be with him being majorly attracted to boobs while the trans guy hates their boobs.

I don’t think he literally meant he’d SAY THAT, especially on purpose.

Mostly I think he was saying it wouldn’t be the best idea for him to date a trans man cuz he’s not into dudes. He was just trying to be funny and paint a picture of awkwardness to explain why.

That’s my reading of it, anyway.

If you told me that was a picture of Zuck’s grandpa I’d believe you.

I thought they were talking to a taller, pants and snowhat wearing version of themselves and I was so confused…

But the other edgy teenage atheists grew up too. Mature, adult, atheists can be really cool to hang with! We don’t talk about religion hardly ever in my friend group. The difference is that religion doesn’t influence our conversation at all, which can be really nice.

I bet there’s also a difference between “raised atheist” and “raised religious and rebelling”. My atheist kid forgets religion exists until living in America/Texas brings it up

I’ve never related so much to a cartoon starfish, he looks exactly how I feel inside while waiting for the shower to warm up😂

I dunno what’s wrong with your crop job, it looks fine on my screen. It sucks that those are the only comments so far.