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Cake day: Oct 26, 2023


My Gul isn’t very friendly at all, he keeps trying to genocide pastoral societies, is he broken?

If I have ADHD then it’s comorbid with and somewhat masked by my autism (which lets me hyperfocus, but when I’m not, I’m all over the place and switching tracks constantly). My partner though does have a diagnosis, and I’ve been doing some research into ADHD treatments for her because of the Adderall shortage. I came across a few papers like this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6574559/

L-Theanine is the main stimulant in tea (also found in other stuff like coffee and mushrooms, but in lower quantities). Maybe coffee would help with your symptoms if it had more theanine? I bought a bag of micronised theanine powder for our morning energy mix (100mg caffeine + 400mg theanine, in about 1L of water) on a health supplement site like this: https://taiyogmbh.com/en/start-en/brands/suntheanine-en/

Dissolves well, and it’s working for us as a replacement for coffee. It seems to help her focus even without the Vyvanse, more than when she hasn’t had either anyway. I really like that we can add any flavours we like, and we got a carbonator to make it seltzer too. Really refreshing on a hot sunny summer morning.

If you or anyone else in the thread try it, I’d love to hear how it works for you after a few days! Data points, y’know.

If you make it clear how effective the Strattera is for you, and that you’re concerned a replacement won’t be as effective or will come with side effects you don’t currently experience with Strattera, they should keep you on it. It’s hard finding medication that works for you, and managing anxiety is a key part of managing your ADHD symptoms as it’s one less distraction to contend with. Fingers crossed for you, good luck!