rss is down right now (back online, was unreachable for about 6 hours)
[ had a DDOS]( in the past 24 hours, was showing problem, but now it is entirely unreachable. was showing "Error!" page (server still reachable), but that seems to have only lasted for a hour or so.
181 is down right now (back online, was unreachable for about 6 hours)

I think the average person just simply doesn’t care about their privacy.
In some of the music communities I'm in the content creators are already telling their userbase to go follow them on threads. They're all talking about some kind of beef between Elon and Mark and the possibility of a boxing match... Mark was right to call the people he's leaching off of fucking idiots.


There needs to be a global login button for Mastodon/Lemmy
Like two text fields, with the server/instance field autofilling: username @ server

which platform for a more complete personal social media feed?
i've been playing around with a self hosted lemmy instance for a bout a week so far and loving the whole fediverse concept so far. I'm thinking about also putting up a mastodon instance to see how the micro-blogging is. but i've run into some other projects that sound interesting too. so i'm looking at [Friendica]( with the idea of a single feed to cover many sources (mastodon, lemmy, rss, other federated protocols). i haven't seen it mentioned much or some of the other projects either. are there any downsides to using this approach, instead of a dedicated instances.

For all you older folks who remember the game and want to re-live your glory days, have fun at [](

Did two people with almost identical names make Lemmy? If not, can someone (who actually knows what they're doing) fix up the Wikipedia article? Someone shouldn't be referred to as a creator and a co-creator, and then obviously, the typo.

What about pixelfed import option?
I have a pixelfed account and since weeks I am trying to import my instagram posts, but when I upload the neccesary file, nothing happens. I have sent a message asking for help but with no asnwer. Anyone having the same issue?

Various instances going offline lately. Is there a place that lists the current status of major instances?
My other instance has been down for two days and I’m not sure where to go to see updates/discussion etc. After browsing this community I saw a few scattered posts reporting other instances going down. When Lemmy.World was down a week ago it was equally hard to find an explanation and/or a place to discuss what what happening. Is there a community or website dedicated to “instance x is down because y”?

Observation: Two types of Fediverse users
I just wanted to share my thoughts with you. I will appreciate hearing what you think. I've been reading about P92 and fedipact. I have an observation which I think helps understand why our opinions on the matter are so different and hear out the other side. [This article]( had the biggest impacts on these thoughts. I think there are mainly two types of Fediverse users. To make writing about them easier, I'm gonna use made up terms: Intensivists and Extensivists. Intensivists are people who came here because they grew tired with the mainstream corporate-controlled media. They embrace Fediverse for it's freedom, openness and privacy. They will see the platform as successful if it stays decentralized. Extensivists are people, who pay most attention to functionality. They want the platform to grow, spread and will consider it successful if it serves many people well. These two groups aren't opposite of each other. On the contrary, they mostly share values. I believe neither would stay here very long if the other's expectations weren't met at all. Moreover, I believe most users of both groups dislike Facebook and Meta. The difference between them is their priorities. For intensivists driven by their strive for privacy, federating with Meta defeates their whole purpose for using Fediverse. For extensivists however it's a more complex issue. They weight the upsides (new users, more content, interoperability) against the risks (privacy, bad moderation, EEE). Those people's opinions will vary.

What should we do about Threads?
A lot of people dislike it for the privacy nightmare that it is and feel the threat of an EEE attack. This will also probably not be the last time that a big corporation will insert itself in the Fediverse. However, people also say that it will help get ActivityPub and the Fediverse go more mainstream and say that corporations don't have that much influence on the Fediverse since people are in control of their own servers. What a lot of posts have in common is that they want some kind of action to be taken, whether it'd be mass defederating from Threads, or accept them in some way that does not harm the Fediverse as much. What actions can we take to deal with Threads?

Threads Monetization Fears
Has anybody considered the idea that boosts from non-Meta properties to Threads could legally be used to build ad profiles? We already know they do that sort of account association with non-fedi accounts. EDIT: Looks like that's absolutely the plan. From the privacy policy "Information From Third Party Services and Users: We collect information about the Third Party Services and Third Party Users who interact with Threads. If you interact with Threads through a Third Party Service (such as by following Threads users, interacting with Threads content, or by allowing Threads users to follow you or interact with your content), we collect information about your third-party account and profile (such as your username, profile picture, IP address, and the name of the Third Party Service on which you are registered), your content (such as when you allow Threads users to follow, like, reshare, or have mentions in your posts), and your interactions (such as when you follow, like, reshare, or have mentions in Threads posts). We use the information we collect for Threads for the purposes described in the Meta Privacy Policy, including to provide, personalize, and improve Threads and other Meta Products (including seamless personalization of your experience across Threads and Instagram), to provide measurement, analytics and other business services (including ads), to promote safety, integrity and security, to communicate with you, and to research and innovate for social good." EDIT 2: After doing a little more thinking, I've come to the conclusion that the general narrative about Threads plan to steal users from similar federated services ignore the fact that it's certainly cheaper to let the volunteers of the fediverse take on the moderation costs while they monetize the data. Though the two certainly are not mutually exclusive.

👉👈 I need 4 active users on my instance 🥹
To explore instances (including Beehaw) without restrictions, I created this instance. To be listed on [](, my instance should have at least 5 active users, according [here]( So would any 4 people consider signing up? The instance host is []( Note that im using [lemmony]( to be in sync with all communities of fediverse. Update: 5 people signed up except me, my test user account and my community seeder account! Thanks to everyone involved in this!

I don’t understand.
I looked up a list of Lemmy World instances and signed up for a bunch, but how do I see everything at once in one app instead of downloading one for each instance? I am new to what the kids call "federation." Thank you.

Using Mastodon to engage Lemmy
Is it effective? Is it working for you? I don’t see myself running a Lemmy server, but Mastodon I would.

Goodreads is perhaps the best example of enshittification imo. It's only good now as a way to track your reading lists. I tried bookwyrm today and it feels quite polished already, like giving you a guided tour of it's features. Hopefully it takes off as well similar to mastodon and lemmy.

Short Videos and Playback
Would be cool if we can upload short videos to a peertube instance and embed them into posts rather than relying on reddit, YT, or Vimeo. I use the browser versions of lemmy and it’s painful to see some posts link to these sites.

Can’t login on browser.
I put my name and password and it acts like I'm signing in and then... I'm not. Edit: Thank goodness for Jerboa!

Can we just parse the whole Reddit and upload it to a separate Lemmy instance
plus duplicate comments and set up a bot that would monitor Reddit for new posts and upload it there

The Affordance Loop
Great blog post on where mastodon is up to now, but mainly the general topic of what it means to open a social media space and make decisions about how it works or doesn’t work. The author is on mastodon: @[email protected]

  • freamon
  • English
  • edit-2
Interesting stats from this mornin’
`2023-07-15 10:34 859 instances, 29068 communities` `2023-07-16 10:34 853 instances, 29468 communities` `2023-07-17 10:34 851 instances, 30223 communities` `2023-07-18 08:10 858 instances, 30376 communities` `2023-07-18 12:05 860 instances, 30294 communities` `2023-07-18 18:05 856 instances, 29762 communities` `2023-07-19 00:25 852 instances, 29361 communities` `2023-07-19 06:04 842 instances, 29956 communities` `2023-07-19 12:05 837 instances, 29917 communities` `2023-07-19 18:04 830 instances, 29677 communities` `2023-07-20 00:14 827 instances, 29677 communities` `2023-07-20 06:04 825 instances, 29544 communities` `2023-07-20 12:06 812 instances, 28591 communities` `2023-07-20 18:04 811 instances, 28559 communities` `2023-07-21 00:14 790 instances, 28422 communities` `2023-07-21 06:05 786 instances, 27407 communities` `2023-07-21 12:05 785 instances, 28522 communities` `2023-07-21 18:05 785 instances, 28191 communities` `2023-07-22 00:14 778 instances, 27242 communities` `2023-07-22 06:05 772 instances, 25492 communities` I was hoping those 5595 spam communities a disgruntled created had finally been deleted, but it's not that. The data is published about 4 times a day, and there's a bit of variance each day, but not as much as the latest difference.
Interesting stats from this mornin’
  • freamon
  • English
  • edit-2

I don't think the Fediverse will become mainstream. But I'm actually happy about that. And so should you.

We have territory given to us by the Fuck Spez Coalition. We just need more soldiers. Come help us spread the word of Lemmy!! Fuck Spez Coalition (Allies) Lemmy Coordination Chat!

Bookwyrm - Decentralized network to discover and track your book read
cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > BookWyrm is a social network for tracking your reading, talking about books, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. Federation allows BookWyrm users to join small, trusted communities that can connect with one another, and with other ActivityPub services like Mastodon and Pleroma.

Alternative to Writefreely for blog?
Those who blog in the fediverse, what do you use? Writefreely is a bit too minimalist for what I want to do. Is the best alternative for me to just use wordpress with the activitypub plugin?

Confusion around duplicate communities
![]( So I'm assuming the duplicate communities are communities of the same exact name in different instances/server. Is anyone else finding this somewhat confusing? Is there a way to find/pick the "right" one, or should it just be based on whichever has the most users? New to Fediverse (here and Mastodon), still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing.

How well Firefish/Calckey integrates with Mastodon?
I wonder what is going to be the future of all of these ActivityPub-based services. I'd like a real integration within all of them. It would be great if people could interact with any of these systems regardless of the services/instance where they created their account. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we are far from that. My understanding is there are some features that don't federate well. Like even within the same services, take Mastodon for instance, I think the number of "likes"/"favorites" of a given toot are different depending on the instance you are accessing the toot. Regarding Firefish/Calckey, they keep presenting Firefish as a Mastodon with extra features but I don't know how well the extra features federate. If someone reacts to a post using a particular emoji, how that is going to be interpret by the other apps? I think there are similar issues between applications that considers upvotes/downvotes and applications that only consider upvotes or even worse, none of them. I don't want to jump from one social network A to another B just because B added some X functionality. And in many cases, the social network B is not a superset of A, as there might be some features in A not existing in B. And btw, talking about that, I'm starting to see some sort of "aggressivity" from Firefish user's towards Mastodon. The way they present these features is a bit pushy. I'm not a Mastodon fanboy and I wish well for both communities. For sure I'll give Firefish a try (even though I prefer more text-post than post full of emojis) but as I said before, I don't want to jump from one social network A to another B just because they added a brand new minor feature, specially if A is getting well established and I see more activity there. What are the features of Firefish that don't federate well with Mastodon? and in the case I use them in my posts, to what level are they integrated into Mastodon? Will my Firefish posts still be visible and discoverable from Mastodon?

How does Lemmy intregrate with the rest of the Fediverse?
So I've been trying to get myself accustomed to this place and understand whats going on. To my understanding: -There are Lemmy instances -Instances communicate with each other to create the "Lemmyverse" -There a larger version of this that encapsulates all (or a lot of) services that use ActivityPub called the "Fediverse" My question is how or if would I interact with said other services from Lemmy? Is that possible? Could I say, see Mastodon or Peertube content from Lemmy? If I can, how? Do I sign up to those sevices with my existing Lemmy account? Can or will I soon be able to interact with everything through one account? Because that seems to me like it should be possible assuming everything and everyone is federated. How is Lemmy interconnected with the Fediverse right now, and how might it become further connected in the future?

What happens to orphaned communities when their host instance dies?
Do they get adopted by other instances? Are they still accessible from other instances? Can you still post on them from another instance? Edit: From my understanding every instance that deals with a community has a cached copy. Will that copy disappear after a certain time, because it can't phone to home anymore?

I ( am just trying (barely) to interact with Mastodon instances (posts and comments) website, 1. I can see Mastodon user's profile but no posts and comments displayed. 2. Yet, Mastodon users can comment/reply to Lemmy posts and comments. website, 1. Some of my ( posts & comments in a profile at don't appear. I just hope I can finally "converse" with Mastodon users and other users from "non-Lemmy" instances such as misskey, calckey and others (of course function of ActivityHub and dream goal of Fediverse).

I was just thinking I'd like to make some UI tweaks - I like dark themes but the dark theme is a little hard to parse for me here. Of course it's always possible to go the user stylesheets route, with something like Tampermonkey or Stylish. But, is there an established best practice already? Do most instances have the same UI, and, if not, how are the differences implemented? I also think there's probably room for some more niche stuff like RES used to do, but considering Lemmy is open source it might make sense to do some of that against the official repo rather than as another layer on top. Then again that would make adoption less convenient and under user control.

Found it on Twitter.

Lemmy reached a new milestone yesterday: 1 million posts in a single day (across 1,323 servers). Source:

cross-posted from: > Take this screenshot for example. This is the front page of Lemmy right now. Virtually every post will make the reader feel bad and depressed. It’s all doombait, ragebait - and if it’s a meme, it is usually a meme that leaves an annoyed taste in your mouth at someone or something. > > This is what drove me and many others away from Reddit, and a decentralized platform does not have to have this problem in theory - but it Is currently experiencing it now. Reddit has no reason to change their depressing content because it drives much engagement and creates revenue. But, for a decentralized platform to just be filled with ragebait and doombait is not good and exposes inherent problems with the platform right now. > > What’s more is that most of these posts are posted by accounts created in the past month, leading me to believe that people from Reddit who are used to getting karma dopamine from getting people riled up are just doing the same thing here. > > I don’t really know how Lemmy can fix this problem - it is something that we really need to be aware of as a community. Don’t just upvote something because it makes you annoyed and you want more people to see it - perhaps we need to downvote ragebait and doombait when we see it so that the platform doesn’t become a depressing echo chamber.

What If: Signal Was Part of the Fediverse?
Anyone else wondering?

cross-posted from: > Source:

Viewing lemmy posts by all tends to be dominated by a few communities
I've noticed that there are a few communities that tend to dominate when viewing all. Some days it gets to where looking at all isn't very different than just looking at [email protected] or [email protected]. Before someone says "you can just block communities you don't want to see," it's not that I never want to see them, it's that I want to be able to have a view that shows me what is new and popular in a wide variety of communities. I appreciate seeing a few good memes in my feed. The problem is when that's all I see. Changing the sort from active to hot or top x days doesn't have much effect on which communities dominate, so that isn't the solution either. "You can just subscribe to communities you like". True, but that has the effect of narrowing what I see. I'd like a view that showed me new things I never thought to subscribe to. Lemmy devs - if you are reading this - it would be nice to have a feed that limited the number of posts showing up from any particular community. It could be a simple cutoff of 2 or 3 posts, or maybe some sort of weighting function to cause additional posts from the same community to appear lower in the sort order for that feed. I'd love to hear what devs and other users think about this. Edit: To everyone saying "just sort be new" - yes, that has its uses, but it only solves part of the problem. I'd like a feed that shows me what is new *and popular*, but from more than just one or two communities.

Is this working?
I recently migrated my instance to another host which I freaked up and spent 6 hours fixing. I want to know if federation is working properly.

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    A community to talk about the Fediverse and all it’s related services using ActivityPub (Mastodon, Lemmy, KBin, etc).

    If you wanted to get help with moderating your own community then head over to [email protected]!


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