Posting this link here as I, personally am fixing to find this incredibly useful in a few hours as I'm about to do a full body transplant on my home server. Hopefully someone else will also find it useful.
Running into a weird issue with my self hosted Lemmy instance and was hoping to get some help. I have 2 accounts on my instance and the first account made during the setup can't subscribe to any communities (they show up in my feed, but never change from pending, not a single one), can't post comments others can see outside my instance, and interact in any way really. I only just realized this recently and tried making a post here that still hasn't shown up outside my own instance, so now I'm trying on my other (intended to be) bot account. This account can subscribe and unsubscribe from communities no problem, aside from the big instances that everyone seems to have trouble with, so I'm hoping this post makes it through? Please let me know if it does and if you have any idea on why this might happen, thanks!
I'm very new to self host, so apologies if I say things wrong.
Anyway, I'm looking for comment systems that I can deploy to (or similar systems but not Heroku) for my static pages (Jekyll) that comes with Codeberg/Sourcehut pages. I found staticman but it assumes Github/Gitlab.
Hi everyone, first time posting since the Reddit went nuclear on sanity. With the advent of Lemmy, I finally got around to booting my home-server back up and stood up my own instance :)
How do you all self host stuff? I've been happily running Nextcloud, Home Assistant, Plex, etc locally, but none of that has been internet facing. As I'm getting back into this I want to share stuff with my friends and family and getting them all to use a VPN seems like a stretch.
Wondering if the general consensus is that it's better to put shit on a VPS, on your own HW locally (with firewalls, safeguards, etc) or some combo of the two?
Is there a software emulates a SATA interface on a USB storage device, tricking Windows into recognizing the USB SSD as a SATA SSD.
Sandisk Extreme Portable is locked under bios password - dont know the password or even the computer I did this on.
I tried many methods. Found that secure erase will work on AOEMI Partition Assistant if I can make windows see the usb as a sata device.
I do not care about the data. Hate that this thing is locked. Been on the backburner of stuff do fix and was hoping to correct this issue.
I've been trying to figure this out off and on for months without any luck. This is my first homelab setup in a while. I have Proxmox running a few VMs, one is Truenas with some drives in direct passthrough. I also have a Proxmox container running Docker which is running a few things, Traefik being one of them.
I've got http/https working and figure out LetsEncypt certs via DNS checks through blood, sweat, and tears, but I cannot -- for the life of me -- figure out how to get Traefik to handle smb for that Truenas server so I don't have to have 2 different DNS entries (1 pointing to Traefik for web and one pointing right at the VM for smb).
I found the ports Truenas claims to use for smb (and other services) [here]( and how to capture TCP and UDP entrypoints on Traefik [here](, but I can't seem to find the right combo for my Docker compose and Traefik setup.
Anybody else figure this out?
*edit: My fat thumbs on mobile create a lot of typos. I also added the entrypoints documentation URL*
I selfhosted my Nextcloud and really enjoyed it for personal use. One of my friends took a look into it and thought that it could be a good thing for his company that employees +200 people and growing... They are currently using Google Workspace but want to ditch it completely in favor of something that they can control themselves. So here's my question, is it worth to use NextCloud on a company of this size, is there a better alternative? Or should they just keep using Megacorporation's cloud solutions? If it is worth it, how much should I charge them for hosting it and doing the implementation and support?
Hey, you probably know about restic and borg for backups. They are pretty mature and very commonly used.
[Rustic]( is a fully compatible reimplementation of restic in Rust and they do seem to have implemented a few improvements over restic. The developer even used to be a contributor on restic.
Is anyone here using it already? It looks super promising but I'd love to hear your opinion!
Does anyone have a recommendation for someone with a domain name and a k8s cluster where I can set up a simple image and/or video host?
I don't want to have to use Imgur anymore, and am more than capable of setting up cloudflared, and just want to share a screenshot or two, or perhaps show some friends something cool in a video game without having to go through YouTube or Twitch.
I'm trying to figure out how to stop having to unblock the pihole, in order to bypass cookie consent alerts. I think this is a devious new attempt by the advertising brigade to ensure that adverts are played, but more and more cookie consent blockers are not working properly if you've got an adblocker, and as I've got one at the network level, this is a real frustration. I've tried a few browser-based bypassers, but that doesn't work for many mobile devices, and sort of defeats the purpose of havign a network-level adblocker...
Has anyone else hit this issue and how have you worked around it?
This is a slow learning process for me and some of you already helped me a lot to figure out reverse proxies in general. However, I'm not there yet ... so:
How can I set up Lemmy (and Mastodon down the line) behind my existing reverse proxy? I'm trying to install from docker and the docker compose files come with templates for reverse proxy configuration, but these are (probably) only valid, if I'm installing on a dedicated server with nothing else running there.
I tried commenting out the stuff for the proxy configuration, but I can't seem to get it to work. The Lemmy install ends up with 5 docker containers (lemmy, lemmy-ui, ....) and I'm not sure which of them need to be adressed by my proxxy setup. Just getting the lemmy-ui container addressed by nginx didn't work out.
I'm probably way out of my league with what I'm trying here, but if any of you have some useful tips I'd be really grateful.
What are some fun things that work in shared hosting environment? I have a shared web space with php and SQL (MariaDB).
I plan to set up a proper home server at some point, especially since my NAS is due for an upgrade. But until then, are there some cool and fun projects to try out, besides the usual WordPress and CMS systems? I have set up FreshRSS and Shaarli, as well as Nextcloud.
Any other ideas would be great.
Hey everyone ! I finally decided to monitor my applications more closely with Grafana. However I'm having issues building dashboards their logs.
Their logs are currently sent over syslog (in RFC3164 format) into telegraf. But it simply puts the whole message into the `message` field, so I can't use specific fields (eg. URL for httpd, source IP for DNS requests, username for SSH, …) to build graphs.
I've read about grok patterns, but I have no idea how to use them.
Would someone have any pointer on how I could make sense out of these logs for later use ?
I run my own small software development company and I'd like somewhere my clients can login and get access to things like:
* Access to documents from their repo(s) (GitHub, all contracts/etc. are kept here)
* Links to invoices and to pay.
* Milestone progress from their repo(s) (GitHub)
* Links to their test, staging, and production services.
* Ability to get in touch (potentially raising an issue in GitHub).
We're just doing things manually for now, but before we reinvent the wheel I thought it would be useful to see what's out there to either use directly or extend.
Hi All my CM1000 I bought in 2017 seems to be end of life, this past month I had to rent a Comcast all in one (I know) to rule out that it was the internet service but it definitely seems to be my modem at fault.
What would you guys recommend I replace it with? I'm limited to 1Gbps in my neighborhood.
I just started getting into self hosting using docker compose and I wonder about possible backup solutions.
I only have to safe my docker config so far, but I want host files as well.
What software and hardware are you using for backup?
Hi there, I'm trying to set up AdGuard home and it doesn't seem to work properly. Maybe I'm getting it wrong on how it's supposed to work, but I'm kinda confused right now and it seems to me than Win11 is lying to me about my DNS entries ...
Here's my setup: as I have a VPS server already, I wanted to try and use it for Adguard as well. Installation there was straightforward enough and I have it up running and it has a static IP that I would use now as a DNS server, routing my traffic through it.
Now, all tutorials say that one should set the DNS entries on the router that connects to the Internet, but this option is not enabled on my router (more about this later on).
I thought, no worries, I will deal with the router situation later and just see how Adguard works with a single computer. So I went into network settings of my Win11 machine and configured my IP settings manually. Gave me a fixed IP in my home network and used the static IP from my adguard server for DNS entries. But this didn't seem to do anything. Still got ad's everywhere although my Adguard dashboard showed a lot of blocked domains (clearly identifiable as ad-servers by their name).
Ok, I went to troubleshooting and here's the first weird thing I noticed: When I sutdown Adguard (as in stopping the docker container it's running in on my server), I still can connect to the internet on my Windows machine. This shouldn't be happening, no? I set both DNS entries (main and fallback) to the same IP, where no DNS server should be running and I still got to browse the web?
So, is Windows lying to me and has a secret fallback DNS somewhere that get's used when the entries don't work? Do I not understand how this all should work?
Or - and here my specific router/modem comes into play - my hardware get's around DNS entries. I do have a "hybrid modem" which connects to the internet using both fiber DSL and LTE at the same time to get extra bandwith and speed. The customer support forum of my ISP revealed that due to the nature of this "dual line internet connection" DNS entries are fixed on the router and cannot be changed by the user.
I still think the settings in Windows should take precedence, but admittedly I have no real understanding how this is all supposed to work in detail.
So, question: how could I get Adguard to work on a VPS without being able to set DNS entries on my router? Would using a second router get around this (i.e. using the router of my ISP just as a modem and do my home network/wifi from this second router)?
And why would Win11 still connect to the internet with supposedly broken DNS entries?
Can anyone who has experience with both share a recommendation? I’m interested in the user side of things for ebooks (no comics) but also ease of installation and maintenance.
I currently use Calibre-web and while it runs well, I find it cumbersome to organize my books through it.
Edit: great responses, thank you. I do like the idea of just having the epubs in a folder and share those but at least on my setup, the desktop Calibrw app doesn’t open libraries that are mounted from remote locations. They also advise against it.
So for now I guess it’s a choice between a local folder or calibre -web
So, I am running ProxMox with PFSense virtualized on it, and I am having some issues with SSH and Ping access between my physical machines and the rest of the network. The two computers are running into an unmanaged switch before then connecting to the NIC port that is set as the LAN interface.
As the diagram attached hopefully helps demonstrate. The only problems are running between the two physical devices, and from PFSense to the two physical devices. The physical devices can connect to the virtual devices, and they can connect to PFSense just fine via SSH and can ping PFSense, but PFSense can not ping back, and PFSense can not SSH into the physical devices.
This whole mess is utterly confusing to me, to be honest. I still am very much a novice when it comes to PFSense as I only swapped to it about a month ago, but hopefully someone here will be able to help!
Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide. I am sure that this post is a bit confusing, but hopefully I can clarify in the comments!
Edit: Thanks to Starfer I fixed the issue! I errantly left Windows Defender on!
Hey, not sure if this is the right community, but looking for some information.
I've seen many people strongly recommend AdGuard Home for network-wide ad-blocking either in isolation, or in direct comparison to Pihole. But I can't really find *why* there is such a strong recommendation. The only clear reason I've seen is that AdGuard is easier to set-up.
However, I already have Pihole set-up on all of my networks on separate Raspberry Pis at each location. I have it running as the DNS server so that every device that connects to the network automatically gets ad-blocking. I have a few groups set-up within Pihole for slightly nuanced blocking --- i.e. some of my family still want to use Facebook etc. (on a separate subnet).
So my question is, considering I already have Pihole set-up, am I missing some key benefit that AdGuard Home would provide?
This issue is already quite widely publicized and quite frankly "we're handling it and removing this" is a much more harmful response than I would hope to see. Especially as the admins of that instance have not yet upgraded the frontend version to apply the urgent fix.
It's not like this was a confidential bug fix, this is a zero day being actively exploited. Please be more cooperative and open regarding these issues in your own administration if you're hosting an instance. 🙏
I want to set up a collaborative writing/socializing platform for my friend group using something like Calckey/Misskey, and just want to know if this is possible.
The non Fediverse options all look very lacking, and are meant for corporate/business environments anyway. It really feels like there's not many good and modern options for this sort of thing, but maybe there's better alternatives. Who knows, I'm really new to this scene.
I'm fairly green at self-hosting, recently upgraded to running Proxmox on an old PC from OMV. A fairly simple setup for Plex, Nextcloud, PiHole, and some docker containers. I have an old Ryzen 5 2600 I'd like to replace the current CPU with (an even older FX-8350), but I'll need a new motherboard with an AM4 socket.
In sourcing a new mobo, are there any features or other considerations I should keep in mind, given its sole purpose of being a server now, rather than a general purpose PC? Or just try to find something relatively inexpensive that'll get the job done?
I'm looking to upgrade my Plex and game server. I currently have an i5-4690K with 16 GB DDR3 and it's struggling a lot. My PSU is a 850W gold rated EVGA from 2017 so I don't think it needs upgraded quite yet since I've been way under the wattage for most of its life.
I was looking at something like a 13400 but I'm not sure if it's the best choice or what to pair it with.
I have tried using the debian 10/11/12 LXC templates on Proxmox, but I can't get IPv6 to work as expected. Which is weird, since just setting IPv6 to SLAAC/auto works as expected for ubuntu 20.04 containers with no additional configuration in the container itself.
What I encountered:
1. Debian overrides the DNS settings set in proxmox with values from DHCP
1. DHCPv6 DNS updates required manually setting `send fqdn.fqdn "...";` in `dhclient.conf`
1. DHCPv6 DNS updates only work when manually calling `dhclient -6`
Those all can be fixed, but are bit of a pain, since I have to manually update configuration files in the container itself. I also have to duplicate the configuration, for example the hostname/domain name in the configuration.
Has anyone got IPv6 working on debian LXCs without any additional config in each container? Or any ideas what's different between the debian and ubuntu LXCs?
publication croisée depuis :
> Hi there.
> I wanted to run LLMs locally on my server (for better privacy), and was wondering if:
> 1. I could use Intel ARC/AMD GPUs - these are often less expensive and AMD has open source drivers, which is something I like.
> 2. If a PCIe x4 Gen 3 slot would be enough (it's an x16 slot with x4 speeds) - this is an important consideration.
> 3. Would 8GB of RAM (in the GPU, I believe it's called VRAM?) be enough?
> I'm looking at language models to train on my Reddit and Lemmy content, in an aim to make it write like me (and maybe even better than me? Who knows). I don't quite know which models I will train, or how I will do so (I certainly won't be writing anything from scratch), but I was wondering; with the explosion of FOSS AI models, maybe something like this would be possible with the hardware constraints I mentioned above?
> Does the speed of the connection between the GPU and the CPU really matter in such applications?
> Thanks!
I am in self hosting for a bit now, have an unraid server and a bunch of services running.
Now I want to expose some services through a reverse proxy, but with authentication, preferably google oauth2.
I've tried a lot of things, Authentik, Authelia, NPM, and so on. I found everything way to complicated.
What I liked the most until now is Caddy with the greenpau/caddy-security module. Very easy config through the caddyfile.... Though the module has to be manually installed after every update of the caddy docker container, thats kind of a turn of for me, since everything else on my server is almost maintainance-free.
You have any suggestions?
.... also this is my first post on lemmy, since I migrated from reddit. ;)

- Nextcloud + OnlyOffice
- *arr media management series (Lidarr, Sonarr, etc)
- Gitea
- Vaultwarden
- PiHole
- Jellyfin
- Wiki-js
- Lemmy
- Prometheus/Grafana/Loki
Currently all containerised running on a debian VM on a Rockylinux Qemu/KVM hypervisor. Initially I was using rocky+podman but inevitably hit something I wanted to run that just straight up needed docker and was too much effort to try and get working. 🤷
Hardware is an circa 2012 gaming machine with a few ZFS raids for all of my Linux ISOs. It lives an extremely tortured existence and longs for the sweet release of death.
Toying with the idea of migrating it all to on-prem virtualised kubernetes cluster using helm charts to manage the stacks and using NFS mounts for persistent storage because I hate myself (and to upskill I guess)
What about you?
I'm looking for a self hosted dashboard to monitor various services and logs for multiple servers. A quick search turned up cockpit, but I was curious if anyone had thoughts about it, or if there were better alternatives.
All guides to deploy using docker mention typing your keys/credentials/secrets into the docker compose file, or use a .env or similar file, I'm wondering how secure is this and if there's a better option.
Also, this has the issue of having to get into the server to manage them, remembering which file has each credential.
Is there a selfhostable secrets manager? I've only found proprietary/paid ones for large infrastructures and I just need it for a couple of my servers/projects.
Wasn't able to create a working iso thumbdrive to install Yunohost, so I installed Debian 11 and am going through the terminal to install.
I am following the instructions [here]( but I run into this error whenever I run the line "curl | bash":
`Your environment PATH variable must contains /sbin directory. Maybe try running 'PATH=/sbin:$PATH' to fix this.`
So I run 'PATH=/sbin:$PATH' which results in:
`bash: PATH=/sbin:$PATH: No such file or directory`
Any help is greatly appreciated! I am quite new to Linux and the terminal so I'm pretty confused as to how to fix this.
Lesson learned, I need to be mindful of syntax :D
Run PATH=/sbin:$PATH not 'PATH=/sbin:$PATH'
I'm self-hosting the docker containers and I noticed the pictrs directory is steadily growing because of the cached images. Does anyone know if it gets cleaned up automatically or are hosters running scripts to clean it up after a certain amount of time? The install guides make no mention of it from what I can find.
cross-posted from:
> Unfortunately, the [official documentation on theming lemmy ]( severely lacking. I made some progress on getting it figured out today, so I wanted to share that with you all.
> This is by no means meant to be an exhaustive guide, but my hope is that it will at least get you going. I'm sure that I will say things that are incorrect, so please correct me if you know better!
> # Background
> Lemmy uses Bootstrap-compatible theming. As far as I can tell, this means that it uses a pre-defined set of CSS classes. This is important because if you provide a CSS file that doesn't have all of the correct classes defined, it will break the layout of your lemmy.
> Your custom CSS needs to be saved in the bind mount for your lemmy-ui container. If you followed the [install instructions]( on, the location will be `/lemmy/volumes/lemmy-ui/extra_themes/`.
> # Prerequisites
> In order to generate the correct CSS, you need a couple of things:
> - your customized Bootstrap variables, saved in an scss file
> - the Bootstrap scss files
> - the SASS compiler
> Let's go through each of these (last to first):
> **The SASS compiler**
> The SASS compiler needs to be installed on the machine you will use to generate your CSS files (it doesn't NEED to be the computer that lemmy is installed on, but it can be). Follow the [install instructions]( relevant to you. I used the "Install Anywhere (Standalone)" instructions and installed SASS on the Ubuntu machine that is running my lemmy instance.
> **The Bootstrap scss files**
> These files need to be saved on the same machine as the SASS compiler. The [Bootstrap download page]( has a button to download the source files ("Download source"). This will give you a zip folder, so unzip it. Within the unzipped files, the only directory you need to keep is `/bootstrap-5.3.0/scss`. Save that folder in a place that makes sense for you. I put it in my home directory, so the path looks like `~/bootstrap-5.3.0/scss`. You'll need to reference this directory when you're creating your custom scss file.
> **Your customized Bootstrap variables, saved in an scss file**
> This is the fun part... you define your Bootstrap variables. I'm still a little unclear on which version of Bootstrap lemmy is using (and therefore which variables are valid), so I chose to start with one of lemmy's default themes as a starting point. I grabbed `_variables.litely.scss` and `litely.scss` from the [lemmy-ui github repo]( as a starting point.
> You'll notice that `litely.scss` is just importing `variables.litely` as well as the Bootstrap scss files. You'll need to change the path of the Bootstrap scss files to the path where you saved your copy of the files. However, leave `bootstrap` at the end of the file path, as this is actually referring to the `bootstrap.scss` file within the Bootstrap scss directory.
> It wasn't obvious to me initially, but you can also add your own CSS styles at the bottom of your scss file. These will be merged with the styles defined in the Bootstrap files. For instance, I wanted my navbar to have a different font from the body, so I added this:
> ```
> #navbar {
> font-family: sans-serif;
> }
> ```
> # Generating the CSS file
> Once you have all of the prerequisites satisfied, you can generate your CSS files using the SASS compiler. Go to the directory where your customized scss file(s) are saved, and run this command (you added the SASS install directory to your PATH, right??):
> ```
> sass [inputfile.scss] [outputfile.css]
> ```
> This will generate a CSS file. However, pay attention, as there might be errors. If so, fix the errors until you can run SASS without any errors.
> Finally, drop the generated CSS file into your "extra_themes" directory. You'll now see your theme show up in the list of themes on your profile (it'll be the filename of your CSS file).
> ***************************
> And that's it! I hope somebody finds this helpful. Please let me know if there's anything I can clarify!
is there a tool like bazarr for automatically getting dub audios of movies/series in other languages? i'd like to share my jellyfin library with some relatives, but they struggle to read subtitles/generally prefer dubs in our language, and so far i've been unable to find any tool to make the process easier. thanks in advance
*edit: thank you for all the great comments! It's going to take a while to chew through the suggestions. I just started testing **picoshare** which is already looking both easy and useful.*
Hi all! I am looking for a file-hosting / file-sharing service and hope you guys could recommend something?
Features I would like to see:
- Docker-compose ready to use.
- multi-user, not just for myself.
- individual file size >2GB.
- shared files should be public, not require a login to download.
- optional: secret shares, not listed but public when the link is known.
- optional: private shares that require either a password or a login.
Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!
I figured out how to get docker containers to join an existing network with putting "networks" into the respective sections of the docker-compose.yml
If I want to also give them fixed ip's on this network, what would the syntax look like in the docker-compose.yml?
So, I spent the last few days researching and then finally setting up mailcow. I got my domain name, my wildcard certificate, got all the containers up, disabled ipv6 (I don't have it set up on my home router and am too lazy to set it up tbh), created a domain and an mailbox, etc.
Well, when testing it late last night, I found that I could receive mail but was getting timeouts when sending mail. After some googling, I found out that this will happen if port 25 is not open. Using traceroute, I found that port 25 traffic is not going outside my home network. And sure enough, I found on my ISP web site that I need to have a business account to unblock port 25, which costs twice what I am paying for internet now.
So what are my options? Is there any way around this? Do I need to host this elsewhere, such as AWS? Can I use a proxy or something that can translate it to a different port for me?
Edit: Yeah, so I just set up an alias to my existing email address. It isn't what I wanted to do, but as many have pointed out, I'm fighting a losing battle here. :(
You are not logged in. However you can subscribe from another Fediverse account, for example Lemmy or Mastodon. To do this, paste the following into the search field of your instance: [email protected]
A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don’t control.
Be civil: we’re here to support and learn from one another. Insults won’t be tolerated. Flame wars are frowned upon.
No spam posting.
Don’t duplicate the full text of your blog or github here. Just post the link for folks to click.
Submission headline should match the article title (don’t cherry-pick information from the title to fit your agenda).