This post is an explanation of how my personal motivation works, and I am curious how others here relate to it, and if it is a common thing with ADHD.
For starters, I have inattentive-type ADHD, have been diagnosed and on various medications for ~5 years, and am roughly college age for context. I am very highly motivated by other people, basically anything where people are depending on my for something, or will directly help/harm someone depending on my actions. Of course I still have executive dysfunction struggles regardless, but that external motivation helps immensely.
In school this manifested as struggling a lot with homework (often not doing it), but doing very well in-class and with group projects. In my limited work and internship experiences, somewhat predicably, I have done very well as directly working hands-on with coworkers highly motivates me. Unfortunately, personal life progression things like actually getting a job and finding and applying for further education is the exact opposite, and is a struggle. There are of course plenty more examples, but I think that gives the gist of my experience.
[Cross posted from [email protected] cuz I forgor that was mainly a memes community]
A casual community for people with ADHD
Acceptance, Openness, Understanding, Equality, Reciprocity.
Relevant Lemmy communities: will happily promote other ND communities as long as said communities demonstrate that they share our values.
Exactly. It is frustrating sometimes though knowing exactly what is wrong with my brain and why I struggle and yet having such a hard time dealing with it.
Keep an eye out for toxic people.
It took me WAY too long to learn this, as I kept bending over backwards for people who would kick me when I’m down before they’d help me back up.
It’s ok to just stay away from those people as much as possible. You don’t owe them ANYTHING.