Hey man, sorry you feel that way… You’ve probably heard it before, but suicide is a definitive solution to temporary problems. I hope you can find the courage to take the first step and ask for help before it’s too late. I don’t know where you live but there are probably hotlines or government run platforms to give you the resources you need. Best of luck to you…

@[email protected]

I don’t know what the local version of the Samaritans is where you are, but I suggest you talk to them instead of whatever you’re planning: https://www.samaritans.org/

@[email protected]

No thanks

@[email protected]

It can’t hurt.

@[email protected]

Your response doesn’t answer the question I asked

Hey unique and incredible person that adds value to the world by merit of experiencing it! I hope this isn’t serious, but while it’s not a stupid question, it is one that garners major concern. Life sucks, often, but there is always a way out of situations that let you keep experiencing the good parts of life. Even if it seems impossible, bad things are temporary too. Not to minimize issue in your life, as I am sure they are quite serious and painful. But the world overall is better with you in it.


Here is the site for the hotline, but if you’re in the IS you should just be able to call 988, for English and Spanish speaking consultants.

You’re an incredible person living in an amazing world, even if it doesn’t always seem like that. I love you.

@[email protected]

You don’t even know me, don’t pretend to care about random people on the internet

I care about all people, I don’t need to know you. People on here though aren’t going to give you a way to kill yourself. This is a community, and it’s a major issue you’ve brought up.

@[email protected]

Guess I’ll ask 4 Chan then

I wish you horrible luck, and I hope you take some time to reconsider before delving into that toxic wasteland. Things can always get better as long as you’re alive. I hope I see you again on here in the future. I meant everything I said, whether you believe it or not.

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[email protected]
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