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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


This reads very much like the only reason you have a partner is because they clean up after you. Or like the only thing keeping you from leaving them is the fact that they are a maid.


There’s an epidemic of post-pandemic burn out and depression. It’s not just the pandemic, it’s the endless layoffs, the world is in a state of political unrest, the list goes on.

It’s hard to decline and invite with that “excuse”, so many people accept.

Attending a happy, social event where they will have to mask their emotions feels like an impossible mountain to climb.

It’s a painful experience to be on the receiving end of this equation and I’m sorry it’s happening to you. I’m hoping this is just a reminder that it’s likely not personal, even though it very much feels that way.

Not OP, but I’ve heard that a lot of people use booze and weed to stop the neverending thoughts.

Sometimes they are called Occupational Therapists and require education to hold that title, depending on the country.

That’s a great idea. Have you noticed any patterns yet? No pressure to share, of course.

I got into yoga. It’s physically exhausting and I need to focus on not falling over so my mind is “busy”, but not on a mental treadmill.

Until “stepping over the basket” immediately becomes the new normal

For sure! Just sharing a community you can cross-post to, or inspire others to subscribe to if they like this type of post.

That’s how I heard someone describe watching reboots of old TV shows and movies.

New content, but require less mental energy to get into.

…also probably why our parents listen to “golden oldies” radio stations.

The last one is when it turns into ugly-laughing and tears are rolling down your cheeks

Ahh, the murder room. Sleep tight.